
Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Don't really need "mega battery storage" unless you want to live life in an indulgent manner. You just plan to do those things that require heavy electric use during the peak hours of sunlight. Unless you live in the middle of a nowhere that sees days after days of poor sun conditions (like our good friend @Alaskan ), aside from cooking, which can be done with fire, most everything else can "wait" till the sun comes back. There's also wind power, and water power that could factor in. :idunno Personally, I'd like it best to be able to use a mixture of all three.

Carla D

True BYH Addict
Oct 26, 2018
Reaction score
Wilson, Wi
I figured someone would give me grief over the tree. It isn’t decorated yet, just has lights. It’s an artificial one (DH has asthma so can’t have a real one) so I don’t have to worry about it dying.

I get a lot of joy from having the tree up. It helps me stay positive. There’s been a lot of negative around me lately. Don’t recall all that I’ve told y’all maternal grandfather has been diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma and has to have radiation three times a week for 16 weeks. (I have a suspicion that this is because he isn’t a surgical candidate but the information is coming through his wife so it’s hard to get my questions answered.) My paternal grandmother is still recovering from her knee replacement and ended up with a blood clot in her other leg. This is her second blood clot so she has to see a hematologist and that has her upset. She’s a very strong person so allowing herself to be vulnerable has been hard on all of us. My dad is recovering from his hernia surgery and still having some issues from having his kidney removed. He’s on an antibiotic for inflammation that’s still present from the kidney surgery. He also had two moles biopsied on Monday that we are awaiting results from. Throw in the fact that he also has an echo (ultrasound) on his heart on Tuesday to evaluate a murmur that was found while he was in the hospital with the kidney removal. DD2 has to have a sleep study to see if she needs her tonsils removed. She was also having complications with her braces and had to spend quite a bit of time trialing and being evaluated for different ones last week. Insurance and building are now in the works so that we can get that. We’ve also been trying to get her a wheelchair since last Sept and the company has been a nightmare. We are trying to completely withdraw from that company and start over again with a different one. I have no idea how a child with Spina Bifida doesn’t qualify for a wheelchair!!!! Ugh!! Throw in the fact that DD1 has some struggles with school and we easily spend an hour on homework each evening. She needs more than that but can’t handle more. Trying to be strong for my mom as she cares for my dad and handles all of the insurance, disability, FMLA and cares for my kids when I work. This isn’t even a comprehensive list but some things are too personal to share and others just don’t need to be out in public.

I can’t throw in the towel. I have to keep trudging on. My tree gives me a glimmer of hope that I need during these short days so my DH was sweet and agreed that it could be put up earlier than normal.

I’m not skipping Thanksgiving either. Lol
You have had a challenging time. Do what you have to do in order to stay positive.

Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
Reaction score
S Indiana
Quick update. Worked the last two days. Went to dr again. Still have my sinus infection. Starting another round of antibiotics, increased my depression med, and I start counseling next week as I need to learn how to let go. I internalize and hold on to too much and I’m beyond worn down. Need to find something I enjoy to relieve stress and make time for me...

Took DS to dr too as he seemed to wake up with an itchy rash that looked like an allergic reaction to me that covered his whole body. His throat looked aggravated so on a whim, the dr did a strep swab, he also did some blood work and a urinalysis since we were already there. Come to find out he has strep with the worst case of scarlet fever that this dr has seen in his 20+ years. The rash itching isn’t common either. This kid has a high pain tolerance and only mentioned that he had a tickle in his throat ONCE each in the past TWO days. Needless to say, we are homebound with him for a bit.

I think I have the lice whooped! Still have lots in bags and still checking heads as I hate to miss something and end up with a flare up.

Steer that I castrated for a 4-Her is fighting pneumonia. Dealing with frozen waterers since we haven’t gotten the heated ones set up yet. I need 2-3 weeks off to rest then another 2-3 weeks to get caught up or a full-time assistant. Anyone up for hire??


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Really good to have you here with us WH... Sorry there isn't more we could do to lighten your load some. You've been juggling enough to keep a trio of folks busy, for a while now. Truly hope you can get that time you need for you, to get yourself back to where you want and need to be. Get your health squared away and that of the little ones as well. Scarlet fever isn't something you hear about to much and it's nothing to trifle with from my understanding. It can leave life long issues. If it means you drop in a little less frequently for a bit, then so be it! Just don't go disappearing on us :fl :hugs:hugs