Warm and sunny today, so decided to pull out all the kits to check them over. There's only 5 left, 2 chestnuts and three black. Not sure if they wandered out and the dogs got to them or if mom messed with them. 5 look fat and totally fine, no cuts or chew marks.
FG now feel normal, no sharp bones and you can feel real muscle. Tomorrow is their next weigh-in. Buck still can't be free-fed, but he does have a water bottle now. He's been tossing his water bowls all over the place once he drinks it all up.
Tuesday I should be meeting someone for 4 Rex. And Friday, I should also be meeting my transporter for the other Rex from convention. Also getting two Harlequins from the transporter. Haven't heard back from the breeder from convention, so I'm worried I may not get them at all.
At the last second, I offered to pick up some rabbits for another person in town that's been ISO rex. I paid for their rabbits, she paid me back, worked out. Glad one person keeps their word.
But I was stuck in WV for 1 hour and 45 minutes on the same 1.5 mile long section of road....First behind a zillion cars, trucks and cargo trucks. Then most of the cars left and I was stuck behind all the 18wheelers that didn't decide to pull over and take a nap. It's what I should of done...
Huge 18wheeler had to be dragged backwards out of the intersection and holy cow did they take their time!! They couldn't find a tow truck large/strong enough, based on how many different ones drove by me. Eventually, a heavy duty one was escorted down by a cop, 30-45min later we were able to move again. =/
Do different states react differently to such things? It was a main road where tons of cargo trucks drive through constantly both ways. I couldn't believe it took that long! Never been in traffic anywhere near that long nor for such a short distance as well.....
4hr trip ended up taking 6.5hrs in all. Not cool. Had to stop and honk at a deer to get out of the road in the dark, same spot they always are at, too. Dang deer! Glad I didn't hit it, hate driving in the dark.
Anyway! So I got my 4 new Rex, pictures tomorrow. Lady just left with her 3 new Rex.