Ive canned so far this year:
7 qt Rhubarb sauce
5 qt Strawberry/Rhubarb sauce
6 pts Blackberry Jam
6 pts Red Raspberry Jam
3 pts. Trippleberry Jam
2 pts. Blueberry/Rhubarb Jam
2 pts. Blackcherry/Rhubarb Jam
2 pts. Blackberry/Rhubarb Jam
18 pts. Strawberry Jam
3 pts. Corn Cob Jelly
3 pts. Watermelon Rind Pickles
6-1/2 pts. Watermelon Rind Pickles
24 pts. Greenbeans
5 pts. Chicken
2 pts. Chicken Broth
43 qts. Tomato Juice
17 pts. frozen corn
4 frozen chicken
16 pts. of peppers
5 pkgs with 4 cups of Raspberries
For Christmas gifts:
8 pts Greenbeans
4 pts. sugar-free Beet pickles
6 pts of no sugar added Applebutter
6 pts NSA Red Raspberry jam
2 pts NSA Strawberry jam
2 pts NSA Blackberry jam
2 pts NSA Tripleberry jam
3-1/2 pts.Sugar-free Corn Cob Jelly
6-1/2 pts. Sugar-free Watermelon rind pickles
(no pics of the Christmas gift stuff-already in boxes!)
Depends. Didn't have greenbeans or tomato juice left. Only a couple of pts of Straw. jam were left and a few pts of other jams that I didn't make this year. And some beet pickles and slices-didn't make me anymore this year either.
I'm hoping things will carry through until the new comes out of the garden next year-maybe even have some left!
I've put the garden to rest. It was to dry and hard to till and we've had rain today so when it dries out enough that it's not going to stick to everything I will see about that.
I do have a pail of greenbeans and a box of tomatoes to do something with. Then I'm going to investigate Miss P's threads!
Done? Who says it's done? I still have some tomatoes I need to check and see if there's enough ready. And then there is the chickens that I can start eye balling to see if they are ready to process in about another week for the first couple. Some of them will be canned. I'm looking at maybe browning some hamburger up and canning it to have ready for nights when I need something quick-especially when fieldwork returns in the spring!
Nope! Difinately not done! But now I can do it more at my own pace instead of the gardens!