It's super cheap and easy to get the goat starter kit from biotracking. Mine came in just a couple days. I'll be sending my goats blood off monday to see if they are pregnant. There are directions and everything you need in the package. I'm glad I decided to get it.
How is the black doe looking? any changes. by now it has been 2 months since you first posted a picture of her. I would think she would be showing by now if she was bred.
I'm pretty sure they are both pregnant. Mooch has looked that big for a couple of months, but her udder looks like it may start to be developing.
My three first timers I put with the buck at the end of October are starting to look a little more rounder. If my breeding date is right, they should kid around April 6. It sure is easier to tell when first timers are bred, they make a mess.
Here are side by side pictures of the black headed doe. From the pictures, it looks like her teats are starting to drop a little.