Overrun with beasties
Plan for this year:
1. Downsize our herd of Boers, but keep 3 does
2. Pd deposit on 2 LaMancha Doelings due to be kidded in April
3. Get Nubian buck to breed them to
I like the looks of a Nubian/Boer and a Nubian/LaMancha cross. This will give our Boers some more "hybrid vigor" along with increasing their milk production. Plus, the kids will look decent. The LaMancha will be able to be milked and the resulting kids could be sold for backyard milkers/wethers.
So, what should we look for in a Nubian buck in order to meet our goals?
I know this is probably the least important, but what color should he be?
1. Downsize our herd of Boers, but keep 3 does
2. Pd deposit on 2 LaMancha Doelings due to be kidded in April
3. Get Nubian buck to breed them to
I like the looks of a Nubian/Boer and a Nubian/LaMancha cross. This will give our Boers some more "hybrid vigor" along with increasing their milk production. Plus, the kids will look decent. The LaMancha will be able to be milked and the resulting kids could be sold for backyard milkers/wethers.
So, what should we look for in a Nubian buck in order to meet our goals?
I know this is probably the least important, but what color should he be?