Which Mini Breed is Best for us?


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Many thanks to all you wonderful goaties, for your input here! I keep trying to find time to comment, but there is just too much needs doin'. Maybe after Thanksgiving I will have a few minutes to spend some quality time here. :barnie

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
means times 2 of what the other poster said.:)

Goat people are crazy... if you're not- you will be :p
It just goes with the territory. Somehow these caprines suck you in and I am wondering if they have mind control abilities because everything will start to revolve around them. You never leave the house during kidding season. Family gatherings must be at your house because there is no one to care for the farm... and even if you can find someone then your 8 LGD's aren't letting this kind soul in the field. All your spare money will be about improving your farm. The goats medical will come before yours. You plan your surgery around your kidding schedule and milking.

Don't run for the hills though ... once you are over the edge we are all right here for ya! And we will enable you forever! ;)


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
means times 2 of what the other poster said.:)

Goat people are crazy... if you're not- you will be :p
It just goes with the territory. Somehow these caprines suck you in and I am wondering if they have mind control abilities because everything will start to revolve around them. You never leave the house during kidding season. Family gatherings must be at your house because there is no one to care for the farm... and even if you can find someone then your 8 LGD's aren't letting this kind soul in the field. All your spare money will be about improving your farm. The goats medical will come before yours. You plan your surgery around your kidding schedule and milking.

Don't run for the hills though ... once you are over the edge we are all right here for ya! And we will enable you forever! ;)


:lol: You are such a stitch Southern! You crack me up!!!! :lol:

I promise I won't run for the hills! It's reassuring that y'all will be there for me! :ep I could do it, but it's a scary thought to be hanging out there on my own, running around like a chicken with my . . . Well, you get the picture. :weee

Hens and Roos

Herd Master
Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
South Central WI
means times 2 of what the other poster said.:)

Goat people are crazy... if you're not- you will be :p
It just goes with the territory. Somehow these caprines suck you in and I am wondering if they have mind control abilities because everything will start to revolve around them. You never leave the house during kidding season. Family gatherings must be at your house because there is no one to care for the farm... and even if you can find someone then your 8 LGD's aren't letting this kind soul in the field. All your spare money will be about improving your farm. The goats medical will come before yours. You plan your surgery around your kidding schedule and milking.

Don't run for the hills though ... once you are over the edge we are all right here for ya! And we will enable you forever! ;)

Good to know that there is now no hope for us.....:lol: thanks for the explanation!