Whole30 Diet


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
I highly second the turmeric for inflammation. I mix it with coconut oil to make a paste, it is easier to swallow. I follow it with something to drink to wash it down.

@babsbag this diet would probably help you identify what foods add to the inflammation of arthritis. Sugars are the biggest culprit. Yes this diet is for a month, then you slowly introduce foods (in small amounts) back into your diet to find which ones worsen, in your case, the arthritis. It helps you break the sugar habit, which is a good habit to break. It may be that you have an allergy to nightshades, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant. My mother was allergic to nightshades, eliminated them from her diet and felt much better.

We already eat meats and vegetables, it's the processed crap that DH loves so much-and I fall in right behind him. So by totally cutting these from our diet, we can "reset" our bodies.

"Shelf life" in foods really means "Shelf Death" for us. Think about it. If a food product can sit on the shelf without spoiling, it is dead food. It has not much to offer other than making us fat with lots of calories.

@greybeard you are right, cutting back on calories and increasing activity is the way to go. When DH and I married, he was almost 300 pounds. I started him counting calories, skipping the half dozen donuts in favor of a couple of apples and so forth. It took him a year to lose 70 pounds. His weight has waffled back and forth because sugar lures him back into eating all the wrong things.

@Sheepshape while I respect your decision not to eat any meat, it is not a very healthy choice. You really need animal proteins for a well balanced diet. I think you know that, but for your own reasons, you just can't eat the meats. Many Indians are vegetarians, maybe you should get an Indian cookbook?

Supper last night was leftover ham, leftover sweet potatoes and cauliflower. I also made a slaw with red cabbage, green cabbage, carrots and home made mayonnaise.

Breakfast, I wasn't hungry, but we ate 2 pan sausage patties.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
It took him a year to lose 70 pounds.
I would change that to "It took him ONLY a year to lose 70 pounds."
That, on monthly average is nearly a 6lb/month weight loss. Most people would have to work very very hard to do that, month after month for a year. It's relatively easy to lose (or gain) 5lbs in a very short time period, but to keep that 5lbs off during the next same time period AND lose an additional 5 lbs is not. It becomes exponentially more difficult each successive time period.

You can't cut carbs out completely. The body uses them first because it can convert 'available' carbs to energy the easiest and the muscles, organs and brain must have energy to function. That's not the carbs from the meal you just ate, it's the carbs from the meal you ate 4 hours ago. Stored fats are the next to last place the body burns for energy, which is why it's so hard to lose long term stored fats. The last place the body will try to get energy from is muscle, but only after all stored carbs and stored fat is used. It's why it''s important to maintain and even build muscle after you've lost all the fat.

Tho the brain is not a muscle, it uses a LOT of energy.
Cutting carbs to the point of becoming ketotic is dangerous. The reason you feel so bad is because the brain is suffering from a loss of energy resulting in an inability to replace brain cells (cells die and are replaced constantly through out the body) and there is new research suggesting continued long term ketotics can increase the possibility of mental problems including chronic depression and Alzheimer.

I eat 4-5 carbs every meal, mostly plant based, but keep it to a total of 40-50 grams per meal.
I still eat lots of lean meat which is permissible for me with the type diabetes I have. A1c is 5.9 down from 7.9 a year ago.
I can still have the occassional strawberry malt as long as my glucose level can tolerate it and IF I burn those calories off.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Lunch today was cubed ham sautéed with mushrooms and red onion.

Supper tonight was home raised chicken breast, home grown/ home made smoked pork sausage sautéed with onion, broccoli and mushrooms. Seasoned with garlic, oregano, basil and Redmond sea salt. DH added salted, smoked almonds to the slaw.


Really would like a big glass of chocolate milk, a brownie and half a loaf of bread......


Herd Master
May 22, 2014
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supper looks good bay. you have to be stronger than I am to be follow this or any diet. I am a confirmed chocoholic and carboholic. I am wishing you and dh all the strength in the world to do what ya wanna do:thumbsup

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
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North Carolina
You know when fasting a long fast 7-10 days or 21 days you have to introduce very slowly... it isn't about sensitivity it is the body must get use to the foods again.
That is one of the things that is ill represented when physicians tell you to cut such and such out and then reintroduce.

IMO eating as closely to the "clean foods" and not doing the ridiculous food pyramid is the healthiest of all diets.
When we think of how food was eaten before refrigeration and having access to foods year round instead of seasonal we can learn alot from this. The body was not overloaded by all sorts of food causing issues. Where so many cut breads out of their diet or dairy etc I go back to the foods permissible. Breads have been eaten for thousands of years. Dairy as well, yet dairy and meats do not mix well in digestion.
Anyway, proud of you for trying to cut the excessive sugars out. Everything in moderation.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I am healthy, don't have any food allergies that I know of and maybe could stand to lose 20 pounds. I am mainly doing this for my husband. He is such a junk food, sugar, and anything-bad-for-you eater of all things that he shouldn't have. Hopefully this will help him break the habits. He also eats a LOT of bread, coated in butter and honey, jelly, you name it.

SBC I am with you on the eating clean and being a seasonal eater. I am very happy eating out of the garden, canning jars and freezer from produce and meat that we have grown and "put up".


Herd Master
Oct 19, 2012
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Many Indians are vegetarians, maybe you should get an Indian cookbook?
I regularly cook Indian food, but don't use ghee. Lovely flavours. I'm undecided as to whether we need to eat animal protein....probably not....but getting all 10 essential amino acids in the right proportions from plants could prove tricky. I opt to be ovo/lacto veggie, so drink some milk from animal sources and love cheese, so probably don't miss out on a lot. My blood tests recently showed I had a cholesterol of 3.7, BP low, and no evidence of diabetes. Almost half of my mother's family have diabetes, but my bother is diabetic, so I might just not have inherited that gene combination. Generally I'd say I'm a practicing vegetarian, but not a preaching one.....folk have the right to eat as they want (whilst praying that the animals eaten have been treated humanely).

With regards to ketosis....I personally find it horrid. Though we have evolved so our brains can function on free fatty acids, sugar is the usual food. Alternatives may be a survival strategy, but aren't pleasant.

It seems to me that many of us are trying to improve our diets/BMI/amount of exercise etc. There's clearly no single blueprint for this, and there's as many different ways as there are types of folk. It's a great idea to share ideas as if something isn't working well, then another strategy may be the answer.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Diabetes is serious, I see why you watch your diet so closely. It is in my family, but not until we are in 80's or 90's......by that time, what the heck, eat what you want. LOL LOL What'cha gonna do? Die? :lol:


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
"clean foods"

What does this mean?

In this morning's news:


If you're a fan of the "fat-burning" keto diet,you'll be fired up about its ranking in the 2018 list of best diets from US News and World Report: It's tied for last, along with the relatively unknown Dukan diet...............
Another popular low-carb diet, Whole30, was also at the bottom of the list, just before keto and Dukan. Whole30 is a 30-day diet designed to end "unhealthy cravings and habits, restore a healthy metabolism, heal your digestive tract and balance your immune system," according to its website.
The panel slammed the diet as having "No independent research. Nonsensical claims. Extreme. Restrictive." and tied it with the raw food diet as "the worst of the worst for healthy eating.".
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Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
We have been doing good on this diet. We both want bread. Today we skidded sideways.......

The feed store where we buy horse feed has closed for several weeks. I have 2 senior horses, 28 and 30, no way I'm changing feed. So we found the same brand some 40 miles away and bought 20 bags. That ought to hold us for awhile!

Coming back, we came through Edom, Tx where there is a café famous for their chicken fried steak. :drool:drool:drool EEEERRRRKKKKK!!!!!! did y'all hear DH's truck tires screeching into the parking lot?? :lol: We both ordered the chicken fried steak and 2 sides. The waitress brought us 2 fluffy yeast rolls and a cornbread muffin. We devoured them. We could barely finish the steaks and didn't eat much of the sides, mashed potatoes and carrots (must have been cooked in 5 pounds of sugar :sick) for me and mashed potatoes and fried okra for DH. Then the pie....... We split a piece. We left and I felt nauseated. The sweet from the pie was sickening to both of us. We agreed, NO MORE PIE! Back to our vegetables and NOT FRIED meats!

It was all I could do to keep from throwing up when we unloaded the feed. Blech. It can be a long time before I eat another piece of pie or anything that loaded in sugar.