Royd Wood
New Member
Good luck with your interview - how did it go - Never mind the package and benefits - are you on for future free feed
Well I guess that's a first for you. I've been told a plenty that there's not very many people like me with my background and interests left where I live anymore. Most've either gone south or to the cities instead of toughing it out up here where there doesn't seem to be very many people raising cattle (except dairy cattle) up where I am: most've gone into crops. Me I can't see how getting into crops would justify the costs involved with farming, especially since there's the options of getting more into low-cost type operations into the high-cost conventional way of doing things.RamblingCowgirl said:Gosh I can't even think of having cattle right now. Maybe my FIL to be would let me run a 2-3 cows with his small bunch. I just don't have the land for it yet.
You put me in mind of two of my close friends, both in their early-mid 20s, with big plans for ranching. I must say the three of us faver horses over cattle, and had solo plans until these past few years when we met each other, and the loves of our lives {my besties are dating/merring my bros } But none of us have ever fell into place with other women our age. SaVannah is the cattle wrangler & Sr horse trainer even though she is the youngist, Latrisha is the master welder and maybe the most mull headed of the bunch, and I'm the old lady at heart who can't learn enough about genetics. We are all purdy much just in the planing stages like your self.
Thanks, if it doesn't go through and they do find someone better than me, I may have to start looking outside of the county of my home town and look somewhere's else for possibly a ranching or equivalent job. I wouldn't mind applying for a job at an equine facility, since I've found out from past experiences that I ain't skeerd of horses.Hope you get that job... but my motto is if it didn't work out there must be something better headed you way
Why do you say that? Lemme posts on the cattle part of the forum makes me seem like I'm twice the age I am now. Right?77Herford said:Never would of pegged you as mid twenties...
Well...I thought you were in your 50s...WildRoseBeef said:Why do you say that? Lemme posts on the cattle part of the forum makes me seem like I'm twice the age I am now. Right?77Herford said:Never would of pegged you as mid twenties...
Well I got you folks good!elevan said:Well...I thought you were in your 50s...WildRoseBeef said:Why do you say that? Lemme posts on the cattle part of the forum makes me seem like I'm twice the age I am now. Right?77Herford said:Never would of pegged you as mid twenties...
I did too.... Boy I'm BAAAAAAD at guessing ages. (get the goat pun)Wonder what people think of everyone's ages.elevan said:Well...I thought you were in your 50s...WildRoseBeef said:Why do you say that? Lemme posts on the cattle part of the forum makes me seem like I'm twice the age I am now. Right?77Herford said:Never would of pegged you as mid twenties...
Nope, too . I didn't jest when I said I was 25, 'cause that's what I am. Here's a pic of me to get a gist of my actual age:SmallFarmGirl said:Em, your 30-40????