Loving the herd life
I should have mentioned that I also used a fan pointing towards the milking stand also last summer and it worked great keeping the flys off.
After -10 for a week... then 30-40 above 0....we'll be in shorts up here!!!freemotion said:bettybohemian said:I know know pretty much everyone NOTil in the southwest is going to thumb their nose at me,LOL, but I was wondering if you folks dry your does off for.winter? I have Nigerians so they can be bred any time ( I.was told). Anyway- I don't want to be milking in 30-40 especially if its windy And raining.
I was thinking if I bred in June or July, we would kid late fall, let mama have her nursing time.with babies for the 6 weeks of unbearable cold ( I know, I know) and then start milking in Feb when the temps.are more reasonable??? OpinYourLinkGoesHere ions Anyone?Really, really trying not to thumb anyone's nose! (just poked the cat, he likes it)
If you really consider 30-40 ABOVE ZERO to be unbearable cold....worry not, the kids will be just fine. Seriously, I am not making fun of you for not milking.