Chillin' with the herd
I know know pretty much everyone NOTil in the southwest is going to thumb their nose at me,LOL, but I was wondering if you folks dry your does off for.winter? I have Nigerians so they can be bred any time ( I.was told). Anyway- I don't want to be milking in 30-40 especially if its windy And raining.
I was thinking if I bred in June or July, we would kid late fall, let mama have her nursing time.with babies for the 6 weeks of unbearable cold ( I know, I know) and then start milking in Feb when the temps.are more reasonable??? OpinYourLinkGoesHere ions Anyone?
I was thinking if I bred in June or July, we would kid late fall, let mama have her nursing time.with babies for the 6 weeks of unbearable cold ( I know, I know) and then start milking in Feb when the temps.are more reasonable??? OpinYourLinkGoesHere ions Anyone?