I don't separate my ewes. I don't even jug them for a few days after they lamb. They have their lambs where they choose to. I have one ewe that will lamb in their shelter, the rest lamb in the pasture, in brush or at the round bale of hay.
Wow,I don't even know how ram was autocorrected to goats but, um, yeah, it was definitely supposed to say should I separate my RAM from the potentially pregnant ewe. I didn't know if the ram would attack the lamb.
I ran my ram with the flock for two lambings and he did not attack the lambs. He protected them. I am keeping one of his sons for one or two breedings, then he will go to freezer camp too. My next ram after this one will be a registered Katahdin.
When I unshell the bucks for a registered ram, he sure won't ever have a one way ticket to freezer camp! LOL My goal is 10 ewes that consistently have twins and raise them unassisted. I have 2 ewes that do that and am keeping a daughter from each this year. I am excited to have them. It will give me 9 ewes.
It is better to be able to separate the ram, so that you can control breeding times.