Critter Addict ♥
Aggressive overuse of dewormers leads to drug resistant worms. You should do a Drench Rite Assay to figure out what the dosage that you really need on your farm is for each chemical dewormer. At the rate that you're going you may find in a few years that you have super worms that you can't kill. JMHORoyd Wood said:kfacres said:If I am going to invest grain into my sheep, and hope for maximun growth/ gain-- I intend for every nutrient to be absorbed by the sheep- not the worms.Royd Wood said:WOW with the greatest respect thats large amounts - I have a flock of Romney and use nothing ever. I would try to encourage folks out there to use the minimum or none
I deworm my bigger than normal, show sheep-- not nearly as much as most of my counterparts.
What do your ewes weigh mature- 100? Mine are over 200.are you bragging by any chance - Why on earth would I want a 200lb Romney ewe, 120 is my biggest which is more than enough and thats with strictly no grain and no injections, just good old grass and hay. If your methods work for you then I'm pleased its just some members on here who are new to sheep need to be wary about your orig post mentioning - at least a double dose and every 30 to 45 days - even you must agree that is very intense worming program.