Xerocles rabbit thread


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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The rabbits have officially been here for more than a week. So, its time to start working them into the family a little. They're still standoffish. No touching. But the red actually approaches when I open the door, and Cruella seldom charges anymore. The buck? He's just kinda there. No touchy, but otherwise just a laid back rabbit. I start with him. Gotta get mineral oil in those ears. I know he's gotta be miserable, from the head shaking and scratching. Hey, question. How many days do I treat, and is it necessary to dive in with q-tips? This early on, and with them not accustomed to handling, I want to keep it as non-obtrusive as possible while still doing what I need to do. They're all loving the pear tree chew sticks I give them. I'm guessing they haven't had much to keep those teeth worn down with.
But, I said I was gonna talk poop today. One week, and I challenge anyone to find more than 6 bunny berries under my cages. Oh, the rabbits are doing their part. But, as I said, they're there for poop, meat is a byproduct. I'm starting from less than scratch on my garden, and wish I had a literal ton of rabbit manure.
NYX. (The dog, for those who don't know) VERY quickly caught on that the rabbits belong and are not to be bothered. She has adopted them as "her" pets. Spends a huge amount of time on the uphill side (which puts her nearly on eye level) just watching them. She learned they were "good" really quickly, but I'm kinda paranoid so I spend a lot of time watching her watching them. She's a dog, and in spite of what I think she knows, better safe than sorry. So, I noticed from time to time, she would go under the hutch and stand there staring up. I wouldn't correct until she overtly misbehaved (made a move on the rabbits). She never did, but I observed occasional quick head bobs from her. Working closer so I could see better, I finally figured it out. She was catching poo in mid drop! She keeps the ground vacuumed of poop.
Some of you have ridden me pretty hard about fencing or enclosing the shed to prevent predation. Well, you win, but in this case to prevent predation ON THE POOP by my own dog. Oh, lest you think "poor dog she must be starving". She's on free food. I dump it in the bin, and she uses her nose to open a flap and feed at will. She just likes the taste of rabbit pills. Has cut down on the dog food consumption, but I'd rather have the fertilizer!
And tomorrow's another day. Bring it on!
Dogs eating rabbit Pooh is quite common. My shi tzu does it. He hates the farm...never comes out..but if he does..it’s only to go to the hutches.....little stinker...don’t worry. A dog cannot get sick (Typically) from eating the dropping, but will get sick if it eats a dead rabbit.


Loving the herd life
Nov 11, 2019
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Clinton (piedmont) SC
What’s going on with the bunnies? Haven’t heard about them??
Sighhhh. I've been retired for 18 months. I want my job back. I need the rest!
The bunnies are on the back burner. I firmly work on the premise of "crisis management". My garden prep elevated to crisis this past week (see my thread "my garden" to learn more).
The bunnies aren't getting the attention I WANT to give them. They're in "maintainence mode". Food, hay, water....catch you later. Gotta get back to them by the 7th. That's nest box day.
I only wish I were as efficient and productive as many on this site, accomplishing a dozen things a day. But then, I'm starting from scratch, instead of maintaining an established enterprise. Today and tomorrow I have "rain today, drenching rain tomorrow". So its inside chore days. Gosh, why does one person even OWN this many clothes!
Be back to rabbits ASAP.


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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Sounds good...no worries..you’ll get into a rhythm with with the rabbits just like with..you said before about chickens..or at least you gave me chicken advice so I believe you have them...but, once you learn the ropes..you’ll get the routine down, and yes, many animal breeds will become easier. I was soooo overwhelmed when we got my goats...because they take a TON of work...but..I’ve got it down down..until kidding time..in mid February...just around the corner! I’ll have to read about your garden..I hope it’s all good things. We are getting seeds ready and we’ve deci to devote 5 acres to sunflowers and 5 to pumpkins. They were our biggest seller at our farm Marketo and they last a long time and all of our animals eat them. BOSS is great for most of our animals and not that hard as far as equipment. So..if you ever have grain growing tips..let me know!


Loving the herd life
Nov 11, 2019
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Clinton (piedmont) SC
Rabbits are NOT receiving the close attention I'd hoped to be giving them. I'm making some time for them. Salvadore and the broken red are enduring a little petting each day....but only after avoiding me a couple of tries first. The first couple of times rubbing Salvadore, felt like rubbing a stone. I have never experienced an animal as hard from stress as his body felt. But he's at least relaxing a little now. It actually feels like flesh and blood under that fur coat. Cruella has completely quit grunting and charging. I can do most anything in her cage that I want......except pet her. One finger touch is all I can manage without her freaking out.
@Baymule I'm finally within 10 days of kindling so I can see the extended weather forecast. The entire week of.... Highs mid to upper 50s and lows higher 30s to mid 50s. But SO glad you taught me about the lamp thing. Its there if I ever DO need it.

I HAVE A QUESTION. Duh! Anybody shocked by that information? Sunflower seeds. Yesterday I was offered a 1/4 acre field of sunflowers for the taking. Now I have no idea of the variety. Free, so it didn't feel appropriate to query. Pretty sure not BOSS. So, as I usually do, I researched on the internet before I bothered you guys. Improves coat appearance, creates body heat, so good for winter treats, excess causes weight gain. But the recommended amount for a 10 lb rabbit is about 8 seeds, 3X a week. IS THAT RIGHT? I know they're lightweight and all but only 8 seeds at a time? I'd be thinking "Hey, that's go...HEY, that's all I get??? That wasn't even a good taste". 8 seeds would just pi$$ me off. For anybody who offers sunflower seeds. How much do you give?


Herd Master
Dec 19, 2009
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North Central Texas
I give my rabbits BOSS every other day. They adore it; they crave it; they would fight hades for it.

They get about a tablespoon's worth.

Your chickens would love the sunflower seeds too. Just throw the whole dried head in their pen and let them amuse themselves with pecking and scratching.


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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We are planting 5 acres of BOSS this summer for our farm...all our animals love them..but, sadly, yes...the rabbits can only have small amounts...it’ll make them gain too much an could mess up organ issues, I’ve heard...not sure on that part...I give them to my mommas to help with their milk..and they get more than 8 :lol: But the seeds last a long time?so take full advantage of this offer! I know you’re busy..but even a gentle daily stroke goes a looong way with making a rabbit come around your way....so try to add that to your daily routine while changing water, hay, feed...:)


Loving the herd life
Nov 11, 2019
Reaction score
Clinton (piedmont) SC
It's been awhile since I updated on the rabbits. Lots of stuff getting in the way, and, quite thankful, nothing of consequence has been going on with them.
HOPEFULLY that will change tomorrow. It's day 31! Time to find out if Salvador, with his lazy "rolloff" is shooting blanks. I'm pretty sure red's preggers. She's got a little "pot belly" thing going on when she's walking around, and a head on view shows a little broader in the middle than before. We'll see.
She DOES NOT like my idea of home decor. Two days ago I filled a nesting box with hay. It was a thing of beauty! Nice little padded foyer with a tunnel leading into a spacious, well formed "hole" in the back. Gracious handfull of hay on the floor for her to make "personal" touches with. I came back two hours later to check on the rabbits. The inside of the nest box was cleaner than my kitchen floor, and the rest of her cage had converted to the "deep litter method" of rabbit keeping. :lol: Of course, almost all has sifted to the ground now. I refilled the nest today. Forget the "beauty" thing. Just grabbed a bunch of hay and stuffed in there.
Oh. Cruella (doing better but still not ready to change her name to "cuddles"). She would not attempt to use her water bottle. It was the "pin" type (less leakage than the ballbearing type). Her one from her old home was the ball type. So, I had been watering her in a crock bowl. I would even let her bowl go empty (not for long) put it under the bottle, and activate it, so it dribbled into the bowl. NOPE. She would rather go thirsty than try something new. She won! Last week I was in TSC and picked up a ball type waterer. I couldn't even get it attached to the wire before she was drinking out of it, like she hadn't had water in a month.
And apples! Today was the first time they experienced apples. They've had carrots,(so-so with), bananas (they eat them, but without gusto), violets (they like pretty well, but its such a small patch), and pear twigs and branches (amazing, but their favorite so far). Sunflower seeds were a bust. No interest. Wanting SOMETHING really distracting to give red while I examined her kits (if she ever has them), so I bought apples yesterday (golden delicious if the variety matters). This morning each got a slice. Sniff, and turn away. I left them on the cage floor. 5 hours later, they're still there, untouched.
Keeping fingers crossed for tomorrow. :fl


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
Reaction score
It's been awhile since I updated on the rabbits. Lots of stuff getting in the way, and, quite thankful, nothing of consequence has been going on with them.
HOPEFULLY that will change tomorrow. It's day 31! Time to find out if Salvador, with his lazy "rolloff" is shooting blanks. I'm pretty sure red's preggers. She's got a little "pot belly" thing going on when she's walking around, and a head on view shows a little broader in the middle than before. We'll see.
She DOES NOT like my idea of home decor. Two days ago I filled a nesting box with hay. It was a thing of beauty! Nice little padded foyer with a tunnel leading into a spacious, well formed "hole" in the back. Gracious handfull of hay on the floor for her to make "personal" touches with. I came back two hours later to check on the rabbits. The inside of the nest box was cleaner than my kitchen floor, and the rest of her cage had converted to the "deep litter method" of rabbit keeping. :lol: Of course, almost all has sifted to the ground now. I refilled the nest today. Forget the "beauty" thing. Just grabbed a bunch of hay and stuffed in there.
Oh. Cruella (doing better but still not ready to change her name to "cuddles"). She would not attempt to use her water bottle. It was the "pin" type (less leakage than the ballbearing type). Her one from her old home was the ball type. So, I had been watering her in a crock bowl. I would even let her bowl go empty (not for long) put it under the bottle, and activate it, so it dribbled into the bowl. NOPE. She would rather go thirsty than try something new. She won! Last week I was in TSC and picked up a ball type waterer. I couldn't even get it attached to the wire before she was drinking out of it, like she hadn't had water in a month.
And apples! Today was the first time they experienced apples. They've had carrots,(so-so with), bananas (they eat them, but without gusto), violets (they like pretty well, but its such a small patch), and pear twigs and branches (amazing, but their favorite so far). Sunflower seeds were a bust. No interest. Wanting SOMETHING really distracting to give red while I examined her kits (if she ever has them), so I bought apples yesterday (golden delicious if the variety matters). This morning each got a slice. Sniff, and turn away. I left them on the cage floor. 5 hours later, they're still there, untouched.
Keeping fingers crossed for tomorrow. :fl
h noooo! Theyre soo expensive too! Mine love them and we have apple trees!! Wait until the summer when you have dandelions..I highly recommend that you no longer weedwhack if possible around stuff people wont see..let them grow big...the leaves..the flowers..they love them!! We pick them daily..cheapest treat out there and they are sooo happy! Plus..our grocery store has a shopping cart where they put the slightly old veggies. There’s always good stuff in there. Like kale! I was paying $2 a bag until I Found the cart..now I can scoop it up for $1 sometimes.. ours like strawberry but that’s not in season...green beans fresh out of the garden! And the real lettuce out of the garden..once again..we sell our veggies..but, what does go that day, we take down and give to the animals...no waste...Take those apples and make yourself a pie or applesauce, unless you like to eat them..hate to see anything not be enjoyed!! But I’m glad to hear the bunnies are doing well and it’s almost middle time! I want to see lots of pictures!! :)