Peteyfoozer’s Journey (because journaling’s not enough)


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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Oohh! Great news! My little Buff that was missing is back!
Idk where she was hiding. Fenny and I both looked everywhere including inside the coop, run, behind feed barrels, under rabid hutch, all thru bushes, weeds, shed, garden, etc.
She was in run with the other chicks tonight so I’m just happy! :weee
BTW, new doe rabid is sweet and she’s a chonk!


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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We're all concerned -- please tell us the 3 of you are home 🥰🤞
Sorry! It was a grueling day and by the time we got home @ 10:30 pm I was wiped…however, didn’t sleep until today. He couldn’t find a comfortable place so I was bracing so he could use me to pull himself up, and moving scores of pillows, blankets, pills, steps…😳 long story will follow.
God bless you for caring!


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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Heck - any of us would be wiped after that day.
You don’t know the half of it! 😂

Picture Sun night, up til 5 am. Then Mon night, sleeping like a baby but not for long enough 😂 Now we’re getting to the fun part!
My body was hurting but we ran across boss kid #5 (who now lives in ranch in Wells NV with husband and new baby) and a gal from Alvord with her 6 mo old girl in town. So we had lunch with them in Nampa where Fen was surrounded by kids. Yet we were unprepared when one escaped from a few tables away and dove under our table with him, grabbing him around the ruff. No harm done.
No sleep, because..hotel room. Fed Fen @ 5 am, took him out to pee in bare feet with just e collar and short leash, figuring he’d just pee and stick close like always. Wrong. After chasing him down and catching him, woke Randy to drink his energy drink and shower with the stuff they sent, while I loaded clothes, a ton of chips, cookies, crackers, cheese, salami, (he couldn’t decide what his “last guilty pleasure” would be 🤣) and Fen’s dog food. Drove to hospital and waited til they took him to pre op. Was told surgery would only be 3 hours and was given a number that would show on screen where he was regarding process.
For next 3 hr, everytime I tried to sit down, Fen started moaning and gave me the “if you don’t take me outside I WILL bark” look. I probably walked 10 mi back and forth outside. Once I was completely exhausted, I decided it was cool enough out to throw his sorry a$$ in his crate and headed to cafeteria to check board. His number had been missing for awhile. I went upstairs and asked lady at desk why his # was missing. She said it meant they were moving him. After 20 min I asked how FAR were they moving him? She was surprised his # was still missing and went to check. He was still in surgery, no one knew why it was missing but would show up again once in recovery. So they didn’t mysteriously misplace him.
She explained once he was out of recovery he’d go into yet another room, then I could see him since I was now without “the dog”. Fen would have been terribly insulted at the way she said it.
She made it sound like things would all go quickly and I said good, because we have a 4 hr drive home. I was thinking he’d be out by noonish. She said OH! and promised to help them hurry things along. I went back to see him and he was ordering lunch. Mind you, I had zero money so had had no coffee or food other than a handful of cheetos all day. I had been stressed out, missed my Service Dog Heath who would have eased me through all this. Fast forward. Pharmacy ladies brought his meds. Needed his ID and money as no one could get ahold of insurance. (They had 6 mo to do this. Did I mention they made me max out our credit cards as unless we paid $9000 up front they wouldn’t admit him? 🤬).
Cloud cover disappeared. I could no longer leave Fen crated. I went to parking lot to get them only to find cloud cover gone and too hot for Fen to stay. I ran his wallet up only to find I was locked out and desk lady gone. Finally surgeon happened to call me and ask if I was with Randy. I said no, locked out. He let me in. I paid for meds then went back to get Fen. We sat in waiting room as I couldn’t walk anymore. He took the brace off my wrist and was playing with it as I urgently whispered for him to give it back. Then he flopped into his back and began moaning and kicking his hind legs, next he chased his tail and would flip himself over because of refusing to release it. I kept begging him to stop, hiding my face from everyone, sure he couldn’t embarrass me more…
wrong again!
A surgeon came out seeking someone and for unexplained reasons sat next to me, then reached out and began petting and talking to Fen, who went nuts and was climbing the guy’s frame licking and shedding, while I continued TRYING unsuccessfully to pull him off, the Dr saying “it’s okay” as I kept saying “NO ITS NOT!!!”
And he’d keep roughing up his ears saying “really, it’s okay!” And I kept pulling and saying NO ITS NOT!!! READ HIS VEST!!
3 Large letter patches saying “Service Dog in Training” “DO NOT PET” and “STOP! Do NOT distract”
Just shoot me.
Shoot dumb Dr while you are at it.
Finally, @ 6 pm, definitely not noon 😂Randy was last patient released. I was practically giddy thinking just 4 more hours and I could sleep! Yay!!
Nurse wheeled him to parking lot and loaded him while I crated Fen again and got them both water. She left. Everyone left. I was SO happy to leave!! I put the key in ignition, turned it, and nothing. Not even a click.
Dead, dead, dead battery. So , everyone I begged for a jump start was heading to emergency room. I finally pressured 2 unwilling old guys to do it.
And off we went! Starving, hoping he was up to a drive thru burger. He said no, not hungry, just drive home. 😳
Turns out he had chicken strips for lunch AND salmon for dinner. We didn’t stop. But got home by 10! (11:00 if we were in same time zone we started in)
Had him FINALLY settled in chair with 5 different pillows strategically placed, chair for his feet, blanket, TV changer (Heath preferred its scientific name, “TV thang”) pain pills, a pot and meat mallet for waking me up so I can get him to bathroom, bring water, granola bars, popcorn, cokes, chips, cereal, taquitos, and a myriad of other things no one else would want at 2 am.
Will I go to hell if I slip him a gallon or 2 of Nyquil until I can get at least a couple hours of sleep and the worst of my own pain diminishes? 😂😂😂
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