Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Ate some chicken and stuffing and had custard for desert. Going in to take a shower and go to bed. Looks like some showers coming in on the radar after midnight. If not much, I will get the weedeater out after I put the meters in the storage thing in the carport. If we get much, I will do some stuff in the house...

Also I just wanted everyone to know that I know how to spell rodeo as in the "animal competition" type... but the DOT's use "Roadeo" since it done on the "road" with mostly all road type vehicles...
So even though I am sure some of you might have thought I was just misspelling it... actually that is how they spell it for the competitions... a cutesy "take" on the whole thing....

Got a headache for some reason... might be the barometric "pressure" drop with the weather the last couple days.... sleep will take care of that I hope.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Up to damp and misty... radar not showing where we got anything even though it had been predicted... but the ground is wet out there.
Hopefully it will stop with the damp,misty stuff in a bit and I will go empty the car out.

Finally caught the possum that has been coming around at night. The SOB actually came in the house to eat the cat food in the entry the other night while I was sitting in the LR at the desk... I heard noises and the kittens were on the chair asleep.. almost fell over at the audacity of it coming in... yes the door was open as it was still warm and the kittens come and go... but for several nights I was baiting it in the new to me, big trap..and shutting the door for the house, since it was cooler out.... but it was too light weight to trip the pan in the trap.... so I set the smaller trap last night after I made sure the kittens were in and Voila.... caught him. Will dispose of him when I go out to let chickens out in a bit.

Still have the headache but not as bad...

Ate a bowl of Cheerios.... need to get motivated.....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
The new girl for testing, quit yesterday before she went to the first herd... Sandra called me this morning and I was NOT expecting that conversation... figured she would tell me how good she did, or not.... certainly not that she had called mgr and said she was not going to take the job...and so Anita sent an email to Sandra last evening instead of calling her and at least leaving a message on her phone... Sandra does not check her emails several times a day... so didn't know new tester was not going to show up this morning at herd they had set up..... and Sandra is soooo mad at gen mgr that she said she doesn't think she is going to stay on even though as of now "her farmers" will be without a tester after the 30th. I am going to tell Lindsay, but caution her about the situation... I am to the point that I just am about done with all this.
Supposedly Sandra said that gen mgr Anita, said there is a guy who was interested also up that way. I think she just does not want to even consider Lindsay.
:rant :rant:rant:rant:rant:somad:somad:somad:somad:somad:barnie:barnie:barnie:barnie:he:he:he:he🤬🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡😡:duc:duc:duc:duc

@canesisters ; your BS has nothing on us... and our situation... because we have a personal relationship with these farmers after 30 years of being in their barns with them through all weather and family situations etc.... it is personal with all us long time people....I can sympathize with your situation so much.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Why are lousy managers allowed to ruin the companies they work for? Run off all the employees, hire incompetent people like themselves, complaints to upper management does no good….. I just don’t get it.

The last job I had, the general manager, self dubbed COO, Chief Operating Officer, was embezzling everything he could. The office manager who paid the bills was mortified and scared she’d get blamed for it. She confided in me and I told her to make copies of everything. The copy machine was in an open area, so she had to be careful. He was horrible to her, excessively mean. He was a bully and I hated him. He followed her out to her car after work and was screaming at her when I walked by. I stopped and said, She didn’t do that, I did. He whirled around at me, purple with rage, I thought his head would explode. LOL He stomped back on the office. I quit shortly after that. I gave no notice.

She gathered up all the information, found a new job and quit. She called the owner of the company, they met for lunch and gave her copies of all the money he had been stealing. Owner and company attorney walked in the office next day and fired him.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Heading to WV in just a bit. Will meet up with DS and the rest of the guys for dinner.... they are going to see the New River Gorge bridge as soon as the practice session ends today and I cannot get there in time to meet them without killing myself and so will just make a leisurely trip over. Trying to get the rest of things situated for the kittens... and the chickens..... at least the possum is gone!!!! Nothing last night so I think it was the only varmint around at this time.
Explorer AC is supposed to be fixed... not that I need it with the temps in the 60's... will stop and get it and drive it since it has not been run much in the last couple weeks again... Put a 4-sale sign in window... might get a bite....
Cows at pastures all okay, waterers and everything. New calf at nurse cow pasture... been waiting on her for nearly 2 months... was not as far along as vet had said... had to fix elec fence... next week they should be able to get the sectioned off part too.


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Heading to WV in just a bit. Will meet up with DS and the rest of the guys for dinner.... they are going to see the New River Gorge bridge as soon as the practice session ends today and I cannot get there in time to meet them without killing myself and so will just make a leisurely trip over. Trying to get the rest of things situated for the kittens... and the chickens..... at least the possum is gone!!!! Nothing last night so I think it was the only varmint around at this time.
Explorer AC is supposed to be fixed... not that I need it with the temps in the 60's... will stop and get it and drive it since it has not been run much in the last couple weeks again... Put a 4-sale sign in window... might get a bite....
Cows at pastures all okay, waterers and everything. New calf at nurse cow pasture... been waiting on her for nearly 2 months... was not as far along as vet had said... had to fix elec fence... next week they should be able to get the sectioned off part too.
Have fun!