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  1. themrslove

    Winter Kidding Watch =) Aspen's Turn Pics Pg 59 ALL DONE

    Yuck! :hugs :fl Come on Butterfly! You can pull through this! :fl
  2. themrslove

    trying to decided if i need another breed of goat, LOL

    I am toying with the idea of getting an Angora and doing Nigerian crosses for Nigoras! :) You always need another breed of goat! :weee
  3. themrslove

    Winter Kidding Watch =) Aspen's Turn Pics Pg 59 ALL DONE

    ME TOO! The flashy is nice, but solid colored ones are just so clean and elegant looking, IMHO. :love
  4. themrslove

    Post Pictures of Goat Face Close-Ups!

    Hahaha! Everyone will be oogling her kids. Smart girl! She gets to be special! :weee
  5. themrslove

    Finally, a picture of my new bucklings!

    They are CUTE!!! :thumbsup
  6. themrslove

    Post Pictures of Goat Face Close-Ups!

    But June is so far away!!! :hit
  7. themrslove

    Post Pictures of Goat Face Close-Ups!

    I love that pic of Eloise! She is certainly pretty!!! :D
  8. themrslove

    We got Triplets - boys 2/3/2010 - PICS

    Goodness! Such pretty babies! I LOVE Gizmo's coloring! So beautiful! :love Congrats!!!
  9. themrslove

    Fudgie's first freshening, questions about FF udders and BABY PICS!

    OoOoOoOoooo! I love that little dark one! They are both precious!!! :celebrate
  10. themrslove

    Going to get 1st goats on Sunday!

    Yes! Pictures! And pedigree! :) I have registered Nigies, too! :weee
  11. themrslove

    Wow just kidded! but I have a concern. advice plz.

    Oh goodness! Precious precious baby!!! :D
  12. themrslove

    What's with the Vitamin B supply?

    Oh no! Is there any more information on it?
  13. themrslove

    Training question

    You have got to be freakin' kidding me! :lau Buckley is my favorite. Hands down. I've never met him but I love him! Oh Buckley!!! :love
  14. themrslove

    Milk-N-Honey Farm (was Olive Tree) Kidding Watch--New Pictures

    :lau Hahaha! I love that...or next week. :rolleyes: Goats are crazy! :fl Thinking pink! :fl
  15. themrslove

    babies and more babies

    Oh goodness! They are precious!!! I just love them. :) Congrats!!!
  16. themrslove

    Hawks and Kids

    It is *possible* but it would have to be like a newborn kid. That only weighs a couple pounds. I am pretty sure they can carry up to like two or three pounds if they are a LARGE hawk. I think the rule is they can only carry off something that is a third or less of their body weight? Worst...