Search results

  1. MReit

    Miniature Dairy Cows???

    "3/14/06 announces a new line of trailer friendly cows for tight spaces." Man, I think maybe I could get a milking herd for my place if they are that tiny! lol :lol:
  2. MReit

    not to happy this afternoon

    Hmmmmmmmmmmm, wasn't full moon or anything was it? Fox got all my cochin bantams but 1 red roo....I'm distraught...Dang thing got em in the middle of the day too! I'm building a new fortress soon....blasted fox....grrrrrr
  3. MReit

    Where do I learn show and pre-show techniques? (cattle)

    Yeah some judges are crazy in my opinion. I mean I know they like a very alert animal, but some cattle in the ring just act wild and I don't think they would deserve a great placing, but do anyways. I've noticed that in beef judges much more then dairy. I've always had a problem keeping my...
  4. MReit

    bathing calves

    Just keep an exceptionally close eye. That cough would have me worried in a jersey, not so much in a holstein. If he has it for more then a couple days I would treat it becuase in the long run the calf may just run itself down trying to fight it, and well, jerseys arn't the greatest calves at...
  5. MReit

    Where do I learn show and pre-show techniques? (cattle)

    Thats really good placings for first time, Great Job!
  6. MReit

    Looking to start a dairy farm. Need help.

    Thats a possibility, but when I didn't have anywhere to go with my two milking jerseys a hols farm took them in, and they never got any crap from the hols there. I guess every situation is different.
  7. MReit

    Looking to start a dairy farm. Need help.

    Yeah, jersey bulls seem to make up for their lack in size with attitude. Jersey cows can get the same way. Jerseys seem to either love you or want nothing to do with you, and they could be sweet and then kick the crap out of you while milking..Holsteins can be that way also, but seems with my...
  8. MReit

    What are you making?

    man o man, you all can sew soo well! I'm jealous, I don't have the patience for that stuff. I must have spent too much time with my brothers growing up cause I'd much rather be tinkering in the shop!
  9. MReit

    Where do I learn show and pre-show techniques? (cattle)

    Just curious how your prepping is going?? :)
  10. MReit

    Looking to start a dairy farm. Need help.

    I definately recommend working as an assistant herdsman and then graduating to a herdsman. It will give you first hand experience without you jumping into a huge investment like that right away. You'll learn soooo much and still have the help of the farmer just incase your unsure of something...
  11. MReit

    New Addition

    Very cute!
  12. MReit

    New Addition

    Thank you all, it is our 1st, well my 1st. I have a 6 year old step-son that can't wait to be a big brother. :cool:
  13. MReit

    New Addition

    So, there will be a new lil animal lover on the ground in January. I hope for my sake there won't be a HUGE snowstorm! IMMG must have been right, being around baby jerseys everyday again had to do something to my brain- and my body! Doc says Jan 27th and my anniv. is Jan 24, how exceiting :bun
  14. MReit

    Truth or old wive's tale: bulls and female (human) hormones

    One of my good friends had a bull who would go crazy if he smelled a person..Not good for a family with 5 women in it..I've personally never had a problem, but you never know!
  15. MReit

    Breed best suited for me...

    I'd agree, I've heard beefmasters are not for beginners, I've thought that of Angus too, just because they are not one of the more docile breeds.
  16. MReit

    Ringworm fix?

    Well I'm going to try something new for the ringworm, or start of ringworm that my calf has. Mind you we have a mere two and half weeks before the fairs now. For as long as I known I used iodine paste and that worked fairly well, but I was informed that I should use a fine ground sulfur and...
  17. MReit

    Lost calf?

    Yeah, I don't think she thought much of it...Well obviously since she :idunno
  18. MReit


    I'm bout 5 min from IMMG....I know where blooms and Berwick are..Every year DH and I do a motorcycle run to Berwick in July..
  19. MReit

    Why grain feed???

    All of the above answers are super, and I cannot emphasize enough that young calves need grain even if you have the best pasture in the world. If the calves are nursing like "the owners" are then they are getting tons of nutrients from momma, including fats and protiens which make them grow so...