Search results

  1. Lady Jane

    I just purchased 2 Nubians any advice would be appreciated

    Welcome to BYH. I know how you feel. :) I did a lot of research on both fiasco farms as others have mentioned (it is nice because she has info on both herbal and common methods), books, and here on this site (the search engine is quite helpful). I was shown these links by glenolam. Hope they...
  2. Lady Jane

    Free Choice Soda Bicarb

    Well, I guess it is a good thing that I am reading this forum now. I had heard to give the goats baking soda and so I did. I have had them for a week and a half and they went through a whole box of baking soda. Either they like the salt or someone is in desperate need of it. I have not seen any...
  3. Lady Jane

    Going to get 1st goats on Sunday!

    Congrats on the goats. I experienced that joy just a week and a half ago myself. :) Welcome to the forum.
  4. Lady Jane

    Rough day....Doodle update, page 7

    I am so sorry you are going through all of this Rolls. :( Hope things turn up for you soon
  5. Lady Jane

    I got an updated photo of my baby! :)

    Your little buck looks so sweet. His coloring is lovely. :) Congrats on the new little member.
  6. Lady Jane

    bulk Molasses help

    Although I have never been in one. Maybe a bulk food store like Costco would have molasses in a larger container. Wish you luck on your hunt. :lol:
  7. Lady Jane

    Picking up my Nigerians tomorrow!!! GOT 'EM - PICS!!

    Yay! I can understand your excitement. :lol:
  8. Lady Jane

    PM Feeding Time at Helmstead Minis

    I loved how at first it was so still and quiet and then....their little goats ears heard someone coming. Then is was all over. :lol: That is a nice barn and a lot of little ones. Great job. :)
  9. Lady Jane

    New Goat

    Congratulations! I love the look of black goats. They are so sleek. :cool:
  10. Lady Jane

    Hoegger's Organic Goat Wormer

    I am soooo glad you asked about this Donna because I was wondering the same thing. I just goat my goats yesterday and I have the Hoeggers wormer to give them. I don't know if they have had grain before in their diet so I was just going to give them a cup each with the dewormer on it. A cup of...
  11. Lady Jane

    Post Pictures of Goat Face Close-Ups!

    Great forum. :) I loved looking at all the photos. The blue eyes on goats are so beautiful.
  12. Lady Jane

    I went to pick up 3 goats and came back with 6 Pics soon

    I just noticed this but, does Trillium (the white Saanen) look thin to you?
  13. Lady Jane

    I went to pick up 3 goats and came back with 6 Pics soon

    They are 3/4 Toggenburg. The farmer didn't tell us what the other 1/4 was and I forgot to ask. :D I checked on the girls at 5:30 this morning to make sure they were okay. The babies were up having breakfast. Jolie Fille is wonderful mother. The water in the bottom of their water bucket was not...
  14. Lady Jane

    Green Family Farm's Boer Kid Watch 2011 - "It's Finished!"

    Congratulations. I loved the video it was great for educational purposes since I still have one goat left that needs to kid. :P I didn't mind you accent at all. Southern accents sound friendly and warm. I have family with Southern accents. :)
  15. Lady Jane

    I went to pick up 3 goats and came back with 6 Pics soon

    The white Saanen is Trillium, the little brown Tog is Gretchen and the Alpine is Jolie Fille. Those are the two doe twins. The heater is behind the wood plank and they are snuggled against the hay there as well. You will notice that Jolie Fille is in need of hoof trimming. Badly...
  16. Lady Jane

    I went to pick up 3 goats and came back with 6 Pics soon

    Hey Today was the day! I have my girls! If you saw my other post you will remember how I said I was getting 3 goats. One Saanen that is pregnant, one Alpine that is pregnant and one 3 month Tog. Well.........:rolleyes: We picked the girls out a week ago and the day after we saw them, the...
  17. Lady Jane

    Proper feeding!!!

    I looked into using Sweetlix and wanted too, but there aren't any stores that carry it near me and it was quite expensive to purchase online. So, I decided to try the Golden Blend from Hoeggers as I heard some good things about that mineral too.
  18. Lady Jane

    Showing off my boys - new pic of Saturday @ 10 mos

    Thank you very much Rolls for the answer. There is certainly a lot more to breeding than I originally thought. :) I think that the Nubian/Boer crossed babies are so cute. Good job on your herd. I have seen some photos of them over the fourm and they all look great. It is clear that you really...
  19. Lady Jane

    Showing off my boys - new pic of Saturday @ 10 mos

    Thanks for the feedback. Let me see if I have this straight....The only reason to breed a Boer to a Dairy would be for the meat. So, if the kids were does, having been crossed with a meat breed would cause them to be poor milkers. Thus, they would be sold as meat despite they're being girls. If...