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    Teat dip question

    What kind of teat dip should I use (after I've milked her) if she still has kids on her? Is iodine ok? Thanks
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    teat plug? UPDATE, pics added

    Have they ever kidded before? On my unbred does all I could feel was teats only....then 2 or 3 months bred their udder begins to feel puffy or fat lol. On a FF it is easier to tell GL!
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    teat plug? UPDATE, pics added

    Sounds like a plug. My doe just kidded and her babies tried to nurse but I seen they were still in so I brushed them out w/ my finger nail and the kids got milk. I read they are there to keep stuff out of the udder to prevent infection so I would leave them alone. Oh and they came out...
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    new buck

    LOL brothers! he looks like my buck!
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    I thought he was going to starve to death for a while. About a week after the girls were done he started to eat again :D I have a girl in heat now so we have started all over again :P but I know he will eat again lol
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    This is my first experience with a buck....well I thought it was strange when I put food out for my buck he didnt eat. Later on I walked down by the buck pin and Bella followed me and he was acting like a goon :P tongue flapping/ hanging out, blowing out of his nose, stomping his feet, it was...
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    Dairy goat owners, I have a question.

    Glad the milk is back to normal!!
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    Feed for a very old buck

    I got a 13 year old buck who I think is missing teeth or wore them down. He doesnt really like hay, he eats a little grass, but he really just wants sweet feed. This guy is very big so what I did was give him a little calf manna mixed with his 12% protein feed but what I was wondering is could...
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    Do goats sync their heat cycles?

    2 of my 3 does went into heat 1 day apart so I was just wondering if I got lucky or is it normal for does to cycle at about the same time. I would like to get them bred at the same time b/c I have to take them to the buck. Any thoughts?
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    Dairy goat owners, I have a question.

    Thanks! I wont give up on my goats (I have 4) I will give my girls a fair chance!
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    Dairy goat owners, I have a question.

    I have had goat cheese 2 times and both times I didnt like it. The first time I got some from an old lady that I purchased an Alpine was a cream cheese it was good but had a slight bucky flavor it. She said that she did not keep bucks, she takes her girls to get bred some where else...
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    Does this look like CL?

    Going by anatomy like cmjust0 said I would say this is more on her cheek, just past the corner of her mouth on the lower jaw. I really hope this is not CL but here are a few pics from my other post. Thanks!
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    Does this look like CL?

    She is very sweet she was a bottle baby but not as clingy as my other bottle baby lol! She eats well, is friendly, but I have not put her in with the rest of my goats b/c of this. She does look like she has a mouth full but it never goes away. Her breath is really really bad so we were...
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    Does this look like CL?

    I just got this goat and was told she was bit by a dog with no treatment so that is why her face looks the way it does. I'm still new to goats so the more that I read about them the more that I'm thinking that maybe this is not a dog bite??? I really dont know what CL looks like and I dont...
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    What breeds do you think she is?

    Thanks everyone! The long hair was making think she had something else b/c all the pics online have short hair but I guess they have been clipped for shows ect. I'm happy either way b/c she is a very nice goat!
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    What breeds do you think she is?

    I just got her yesterday, and the lady told me she was a pure alpine but I dont think she is. I do think she has some alpine but there is something else b/c she has longer hair on her back legs and the hair down her spine is much longer. Is her redish b/c she needs copper?
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    Will my Nigerian/Lamancha doeling be a seasonal breeder?

    I was just wondering if she would take after the Lamancha side and be a seasonal breeder or be able to breed anytime? She is 7 months old and about 65lbs. I have not noticed any signs of heat but I could have been missing them?? Thanks! ETA Darn I see this is in the wrong place sorry...
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    Shami goats , Bucks pictures

    Wow they are huge!!
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    Eye infection??

    Well I asked the lady a the feed store what I could do for her eye and she also said Terramycin eye ointment but that stuff is hard to come by. I could not find it locally or online. So I used Erythromycin b/c they gave me that for my son (he is over a year old now) when he was born to prevent...
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    Eye infection??

    I have been prying her little eye open 2-3x a day and her eye is not running and it is not swollen any more :) She is not at 100% but it looks sooooo much better! Thanks