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  1. B

    VERY skinny doe - updated post 38 - bottlejaw :(

    Oh, believe me, I have NO intention of following the vet's protocol. I'm still shaking my head over him challenging me, "Why do you want to know what KIND of worms the goat has? It doesn't matter!" I am wondering if he really even checked his book and identified what he saw, or just had his...
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    VERY skinny doe - updated post 38 - bottlejaw :(

    Thanks Roll, I looked on here and had seen to use Valbazen at 2-3x recommended -- BUT she's also on the small sideand so thin now, and I don't know her exact weight. I hope it worked out ok. Not quite daylight here and my morning routine goes a LOT smoother if I don't open the goat shed until I...
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    VERY skinny doe - updated post 38 - bottlejaw :(

    Actually I just got valbazen too. It was only $4 and not too far out of the way, since my later appt was pushed back a couple hours. Just hope I get home in time to do evening chores before dark. ;)
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    VERY skinny doe - updated post 38 - bottlejaw :(

    Thanks. I have cydectin now, and b12, red cell, and probios on hand. Think I run a big risk jumping into cydectin? I was debating getting valbazen too to start her off, but at this point it will probably mean a 12 hour delay in worming?
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    VERY skinny doe - updated post 38 - bottlejaw :(

    Can I just scream now? Lol Went to the vet, waited on fecal. "she's loaded with stomach worms, you need to worm her." Ok, what kind of worms? "stomach worms." Can you tell me what kind? Half a dozen questions later and they let me talk to the vet who says when he gets time he'll check the...
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    VERY skinny doe - updated post 38 - bottlejaw :(

    That cheap? My vet charges $15 ... (and darnit, for $17 I can buy safeguard paste and sulmet). Well, I got a few small freelance jobs. It's all gonna go for fecals and goat meds, probably, LOL. Better than if I had no work at all, I guess. She felt good enough to fight me on the red...
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    VERY skinny doe - updated post 38 - bottlejaw :(

    Ah, and I didn't realize that pancur was the same thing as safeguard. I've used it before on VERY weak doeling with a bad case of barberpole. Not sure it really worked, I did manage to keep her alive until I treated more aggressively. I gotta sort out my finances, and time. I have to be...
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    VERY skinny doe - updated post 38 - bottlejaw :(

    Thanks, I called and talked to the vet. They will run a fecal for $15 checking for worms, coccidia. There is fresh scour in her stall from this morning, so I may just run that in. I really do hate to lose her. Normally they will give a script for whatever I ask for, and if it's coccidia they...
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    Just had a copper thought need some help.

    THANK YOU for that link!!! I've been trying to get that info forever, county extension seems to have no idea (they won't answer me anyway) and the vet just looks at me blankly. Sigh ... I KNOW there's more to the picture, as mentioned later in this thread. After all, with the drought last...
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    VERY skinny doe - updated post 38 - bottlejaw :(

    Thanks, Redtail, I know I rambled a bit. Just to clarify ... her eyelids WERE fine. Now she is almost whited out. I hadn't thought of B-12. I have some injectable for my dog. I wonder if I can give her that ... need to look into it. If anyone may be familiar with it, what I have is...
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    VERY skinny doe - updated post 38 - bottlejaw :(

    Hi all, I have a doe that kidded 3-5. She's been doing poorly since she was in her last month of pregnancy, but she's taking a real slide now in the past couple of days. I'm really worried about her. She got loose minerals through the end of pregnancy, fed extra grain, always has free access...
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    2-day doeling-knees bending out - followup question on doeling post 19

    Sorry I didn't get back here in a while. Thanks for the info. I didn't give the doeling any more BoSe and she's fine. The boys push her around a bit cuz they are all still much bigger than her but she stands up to them. Thanks again!
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    When and how to whether?

    Wish I could get my hands on one of those. Do you think is causes the kids less distress? I'd really rather not have to band them. Wouldn't be the worries about flies and infection too.
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    2 females in same cage 1 is pregnant

    That's a fair description of my newer cages. I build them 2 wide, and the wire separating them is 2x3 field fencing. I even have two non-brother bucks in a setup like that and they often groom each other through the wire. On the breeding does I have to put smaller wire on the lower part to keep...
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    2 females in same cage 1 is pregnant

    I've had them get along while pregnant with no more than mounting, and a very small amount of fur pulled from the back in the process. And once I put them back together briefly after one kindled and lost her entire litter. Then again my rabbits are really laid back. I have two brother bucks in a...
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    2-day doeling-knees bending out - followup question on doeling post 19

    So, the doeling is much stronger now. Her legs are still not lined up in a normal fashion though. They are just slightly "out" and forward at the knee joint (front legs) maybe one is slightly more than the other. She got the BoSe at 2 days old, and today was 4 days old, so it's had 2 days to...
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    Mother Not Breastfeeding??

    Well, if she grumbles when you put your hand in the cage ... if it were me, I'd let her be. When they do that, i check the kits, do a quick count, make sure none are dead. I check every couple of days or so. Make sure she's feeding them. And otherwise I leave mama and babies alone if she...
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    Triplets and Quads

    From what I've seen, pygmies are much more prone to multiples, and more multiples (trips and even quads). I've seen triplets plenty of times in Nubians, but twins are also common, and even singles. Not sure what's MOST common though ... I'd guess twins? I've never seen quads from a Nubian. I...
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    WEBSITES, new and wanting

    Just don't bother promoting it a lot (backlinks and such) until you get your own name. You can set up a website on blogger or wordpress. Blogger will probably get you a fair amount of traffic just from other bloggers. (And it doesn't have to be a blog, it can be an actual website ... just...
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    FINALLY, 2 litters born today

    Congrats! Mine never seem to have them when I am around. I had one I was checking on (when I first started raising rabbits) and I swear she held those kits. Then I left the rabbit area and was in with the chickens for just a sec, came back a few minutes later to a huge bloody mess and she had...