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  1. sillystunt

    CDT shot dose?? HELP

    OK, 2ml is how many cc's? I got a 3cc syringe. Thank you all so much for your help! I am really trying to do this since i braved the chicken shots...LOL
  2. sillystunt

    CDT shot dose?? HELP

    should i wait till i have epi? I am reading about shock when giving vacc's. I have the vile in frig so i can wait. Help!
  3. sillystunt

    CDT shot dose?? HELP

    Sorry not sure if in right section, LOL. My baby nigerian goat was born in July. The PO didn't give any shots. I have him on Medicated goat feed(with 2 adults). I went out and got CDT vile of medication. I am not sure what dose to give and when to follow up. Also what is an adult doe (2...
  4. sillystunt

    space issue

    Thanks! How long should i quarrintine them? i know i just spelled that wrong..hahaha they wanted me to take the nubian cross but i just couldn't! To big, not fixed and i have prue nigerians and kinda scared
  5. sillystunt

    space issue

    I said yes to them...hehehe they are a mom and baby. 4-H kid who lost interest. For both 90 bucks. they are rehoming goats so we are cool with that! She had a male nubian cross but i said NO to him. I don't want to have him in with nigerians and he's not fixed. The breeder said she would take...
  6. sillystunt

    How much indoor space?

    ok so if my pen is 24x12 thats 288sqft. that's good for 4 nigerians, right? lol sorry for the hyjack but your numbers answered my
  7. sillystunt

    space issue

    So, i have an opportunity to get 2 more nigerians. they need rehoming!! I am wondering how much space each goat needs, to be fair! I am worried my pen is to small and wonder if i should let them free range my yard to make up on space. the 2 i have love the space they have. We are moving the...
  8. sillystunt

    Coughing and Sneezing Nigi

    wait, if they sneeze they could have worms? I am confused cause my little nigerian wether does the same! We made sure the pen was dry, free off extra hay and he seems to do it when he eats. Do you think maybe he is allergic to something in the food?
  9. sillystunt

    going into heat

    so i have had my nigerian female for over a month. i have yet to notice her go into heat. Am i missing something? Is it every 28 days or longer? I am totally confused. I want to breed her and the lady said, it's usually for 36 hours they are in heat. So the window is small. Any help would be...
  10. sillystunt

    got two more wethers yeserday

    so cute! I love sal's face! :love
  11. sillystunt

    Need to give them more

    i think they said, switch. I would, just to be safe~
  12. sillystunt

    my silly goats!

    My goats are super silly! Our wether billy is just the biggest DORK, i have ever met. he actually let me take his pic when he was playing king of the hill,lol Then i look over and mamma is a chicken
  13. sillystunt

    One of the babies died!

    :hit i am so sorry for your loss!
  14. sillystunt

    Talk me in to getting some goats! :)

    Do it, Do it, Do it! I wish mine had no horns but they aren't that bad! Wish i had more room for more goats!
  15. sillystunt

    I feel like evil incarnate

    man these goats are good! we went to get our doe and husband turns to me and goes, HoLY she is really depressed! Like he's the goat So we turned around to go back and get her 7 month old son. The owner said when we left he freaked out and was crying( if goats cry...
  16. sillystunt

    Login Problem

    yeah, i couldn't even log in today. i had to send for a new password. STRANGE~~ But i am here now;)
  17. sillystunt

    Eating moist hay bad?

    we have the same problem here in Florida. I finally bagged up the hay in trash bags and only put a small amount out. I figured it's the only way to keep it dry and threw them in the shed. Never realized a bale of hay was sooooo much hay.:ep
  18. sillystunt

    small dairy goats

    100 for the lamancha x nigerian sounds good! I bet they are cute. i would go with that! 8 hours is a long trip for a goat. But that's totally your call. Keep us posted :pop