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  1. RJSchaefer

    WTB near Rockford, IL/Janesville, WI - boar

    I am leaning toward a Tamaworth, however I'm not entirely sure on breed. I have 2 vietnamese potbelly gilts and need a boar to sire, without producing young too large to birth.
  2. RJSchaefer

    I really need to plan better

    Didn't plan on keeping them inside all the time. =) Just didn't know if I should lock them back up at night, the way I do the poultry, or if I could leave a flap on the hatch to the outdoor pen and let them come/go.
  3. RJSchaefer

    I really need to plan better

    Going outside. I'm worried about coyotes or other predators. Been told I don't need to, even with smaller breed pigs, but I'm still a bit concerned.
  4. RJSchaefer

    I really need to plan better

    We have two pigs now. 100 pound Vietnamese potbelly sows, 1 year old. Can't find straw. Got a fence up for them (hog panels with 6 ft t posts every 4 feet), but they can't fit through the little hole. They're extremely irritated. But, back to the fence, should I just put a flap over the hole...
  5. RJSchaefer

    Nest ripped apart. 4 kits dead - 2 survived

    Oh! I almost forgot. On Mama, she's losing her mind. She's still ripping fur and is just acting all out sorts. Very sedate compared to her normal behavior, although a still averse to being held. Last night when we brought her in to nurse, she started chewing on my jeans, the towel and the couch...
  6. RJSchaefer

    Nest ripped apart. 4 kits dead - 2 survived

    The spotted one died this morning. =( The black one is still kicking. It nursed hungrily but never acted satisfied. Is it possible her milk is drying up? Should I start supplementing with the KMR?
  7. RJSchaefer

    Undrinkable milk

    ^^ This. Please answer! (In detail, for those of us with inquiring minds!)
  8. RJSchaefer

    Lost my first ever rabbits to HEAT today... =(

    I'm so sorry for your loss(es)! How horrible. I hope the new shade canopy works.
  9. RJSchaefer

    Nest ripped apart. 4 kits dead - 2 survived

    We bit the bullet, protected our arms, and brought mama in to feed the babies. She sat still as soon as they latched on like a CHAMP! She's usually very mean and hates to be held, but not this time. She just laid on my lap without a twitch while they nursed. Fingers crossed this works and this...
  10. RJSchaefer

    Nest ripped apart. 4 kits dead - 2 survived

    OK. So I just have an itty bitty kit. Phew. I'd read about the dwarf genes, but didn't really think about the genetics of the rabbits. =)
  11. RJSchaefer

    Nest ripped apart. 4 kits dead - 2 survived

    The father is a NZ and the mother is a Cali/Rex mix.
  12. RJSchaefer

    Nest ripped apart. 4 kits dead - 2 survived

    Thanks! No, I think she just had no clue what she's doing. It's her first litter. I looked again, and I'm not so sure it was "ripped up" like I initially thought, so much as disregarded/jumped on/etc. She's in a colony setting, with only females. There are chickens in the building, but they've...
  13. RJSchaefer

    Nest ripped apart. 4 kits dead - 2 survived

    I think it was the mother. I had a few other does in there, but I don't think they would have done it. And I'd thought she was doing so well with them. Guess I didn't luck out. Got KMR. Got a little syringe. Feeding them a drop at a time so they don't aspirate. I've got 5 kids, so at least I'm...
  14. RJSchaefer

    Nest ripped apart. 4 kits dead - 2 survived

    I should have checked on them earlier...last checked at 1AM this morning. Just 15 minutes ago I went out to check on the animals, and found the nest ripped apart. Not sure who the culprit was. The kits were scattered about - either moved or crawled, assuming the latter since they have no...
  15. RJSchaefer

    Grow out cage & pen

    You're doing a MUCH better job planning than I did! Kudos! I don't know much (just had the first litter today), but I think that sounds very good and sound.
  16. RJSchaefer

    Bunnies! Or, OMG PANIC our dates were wrong!!!

    Thanks, Bunnylady. That's what I finally decided to do, so it's good to know it was probably right. I've checked on them several times today. The first time I was worried because they were very wrinkly, but also extremely mewly. I figured the energy was a good thing. Just checked on them again...
  17. RJSchaefer

    Bunnies! Or, OMG PANIC our dates were wrong!!!

    We just moved our [meat] rabbits into a colony setting. Literally last night. One of our does...we thought she was due for her first little on the 7th. Nope. She had them today! I caught her starting a nest last night and felt very bad about moving her, but had been told the start of a nest...
  18. RJSchaefer


    Indeed. When my boyfriend and I first got together, he told me (at the time a very suburban girl working in Chicago) how he hunted coyotes. I was appalled to learn he did it because there were "too many." Now, I see what he meant. Sidenote: Coyotes are one of a handful of animals in Illinois...
  19. RJSchaefer

    Wire gauging for cages

    I got my 1/2"x1 at Farm and Fleet. Relatively inexpensive, compared to the prefab cages. It's pretty sturdy, too. Not sure on the gauge, but it's definitely not wimpy cloth.
  20. RJSchaefer


    A bit east of Rockford, IL. The area is going through some major ecological issues, between the drought last year, over-farming and "infrastructure" development. I expect things to get better by this fall - when the over-populated predators have starved off - but for now, they're just brazen and...