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  1. Cajunsamoan

    Some Horse Pics

    They are so beautiful. :love
  2. Cajunsamoan

    Pic thread

    So cute! I like the names too.
  3. Cajunsamoan

    My hatch-Chicken chicks & new silkie cross chick

    Yes, I hope we do. :fl
  4. Cajunsamoan

    Welcome to the herd!

    I just wanted to say thank you to Nifty and all the BYCows staff and members for sharing your site. You have all been so nice and welcoming. I hope to learn a lot here.
  5. Cajunsamoan

    My hatch-Chicken chicks & new silkie cross chick

    Oh, how fun, I think we will be hatching together. My broody is due the same day.
  6. Cajunsamoan

    goat fencing

    Good luck! He sounds like a troublemaker. I hope that it works for you.
  7. Cajunsamoan

    Goat Toys and amusements

    :yuckyuck Please let me know if this works for you. I can't seem to talk myself out of babies. It's a good thing I don't have a buck right now. I started with two goats and am now at 13. My youngest babies are six months old now and I am having new baby withdrawals.
  8. Cajunsamoan

    My Siberian Huskies!

    They are gorgeous!
  9. Cajunsamoan

    3 week old little girl

    I'm very sorry you lost her. :hugs
  10. Cajunsamoan

    Strange-Down with milk fever and then up and RUNNING!

    Wow, I had no idea. Thank you for the information.
  11. Cajunsamoan

    Goat Toys and amusements

    RedStickLA, those are great action shots. Mine always come out fuzzy if the goats are moving at all. Maybe it's time to upgrade the camera.
  12. Cajunsamoan

    Strange-Down with milk fever and then up and RUNNING!

    I hope that your cow will be okay. If you don't mind, what is milk fever?
  13. Cajunsamoan

    Hello Everyone!

    Thank you everyone!
  14. Cajunsamoan

    Please post all those cute goat pics here!

    :love Those babies are too cute.
  15. Cajunsamoan

    Goat Toys and amusements

    That's true! They are a headache. But they are so cute you just gotta love them.
  16. Cajunsamoan

    Hello Everyone!

    I am so excited about this forum. I have visited a couple of times before to seek information about cows. I haven't decided yet if we will get any. I do have goats and donkeys so now I can come here to learn to better care for them AND to learn about cows. Thank you so much for this great...
  17. Cajunsamoan

    dang goat

    I'm sorry you are having problems with him. I had one like that too. Troublemaker!! Unfortunately I had to sell him. Too bad cause I really liked him.
  18. Cajunsamoan

    Pic thread

    Here are some pics of visitors I had who swore that goats were not pets. They left wishing they had some. The goats also enjoy letting my daughter "decorate" them.