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  1. bigmike

    My little lamancha mixes. Pic Heavy!!

    If I bathed one of my goats in the shower I would have to move in with the goats..Which they would probably like..But it is pretty cold out here this evening..Since my ND doe is at breeder camp my ND wether has finally started coming up to me for cookies..He has been so skittish but now comes...
  2. bigmike

    New Goats - Rebuilding After Tragedy

    Pretty goats, sorry about your loss of your previous ones....And I love the fact that your pasture is still sooooo green.Here in Northern Texas ours have all went yellow..Need some rain really bad!!
  3. bigmike

    My little lamancha mixes. Pic Heavy!!

    Southern, don't have any pics yet.Working on getting a decent camera so I can post some..Not much into the floppy ears but I love the no ears on the Lamancha.I also have a couple of ND's but as soon as I saw the CL posting for Cupcake (Lamancha) on CL at the wonderful price she was I immediately...
  4. bigmike

    My little lamancha mixes. Pic Heavy!!

    I am loving this thread..My 9 month old lamancha is a stinker too.But she can be so sweet and has a great personality..She has gotten to where she will beg looking for animal crackers..She stands up on her hind legs with her front legs out in front of her and it looks like she is begging or...
  5. bigmike

    What to do with wether when getting doe bred. UPDATE.. New Animals!!!

    I am hoping that cupcake (my lamancha) comes into heat about the time I go to pick up my Niggie..I plan to breed her to a Nigerian as I want a Minimancha..
  6. bigmike

    What to do with wether when getting doe bred. UPDATE.. New Animals!!!

    I love your Lamancha :love .She looks just like mine..Can I have her:D ..Just kidding.How old is she..mine is 9 months old and I haven't seen any signs of heat yeat.My Nigerian doe is at breeding camp right now.I am hoping she gets bred this weekend :fl ......
  7. bigmike

    Hunting Season

    Remuda, had to look y'all up.Y'all are down around Fort Hood if my google is correct..i am located in Bellevue, 30 miles east of Wichita Falls on 287..just a widw spot in the road.3 churches, a convenience store, post office,feed store and school.LOVE living in such a small town.
  8. bigmike

    Hunting Season

    Nice buck, I had one run across the road this morning at the back edge of my goat pen.It was less than 100 yards from my back porch..We are in the edge of a small town of about 350 people..Haven't seen any hogs here in town yet but have seen deer a time or two..Can stand on the porch and listen...
  9. bigmike

    BarredRockMomma (I'm still here)

    BRM, just read through your journal..I totally understand about not having enough to do.I work for the DoD as a unit mail clerk in a training brigade.I am lucky if I have more than 10 pieces of mail to deal with on a day..I am literally finished with all my work in less than an hour.But I have...
  10. bigmike

    Christmas for new goat owners

    Southern, it was not taken the wrong way,I find it hilarious that a woman raised in Germany and has never used a chainsaw or just about any outdoor power equipment would want one but she does.This is a woman that loves the 114 degree days here in Northern Texas and loves to mow the grass.She was...
  11. bigmike

    Christmas for new goat owners

    Don't think so.She really seems to be supportive and glad that I have found something to do other than stare at the idiot box..She's glad that I have come up out of my 3 year funk I have been in due to depression and PTSD seems that the VA has finally gotten my medication right.She...
  12. bigmike

    Looking for an ND buck to breed my does in Northern Texas

    Hopefully things will go well and we can think babies in 5 months..I will try to get a camera and learn how to download the pics on my computer so I can post them....Me and the breeder expect my doe to come back into heat sometime in the next week.She is already there running with the buck so...
  13. bigmike

    I can't beleive some people

    You sound like us..If there is a nusiance animal the sherrif's office says to just shoot it..My cousin who lives across the street has really weeded down the number of stray or roaming dogs and cats around here.There cats are mostly feral and wiped out his chickens..Folks in town learned if...
  14. bigmike

    Hunting Season

    Sorry you didn't get an Elk..Ive eaten Elk and it is sure some good eatin..Plus a good sized is a lot of meat for the freezer..Had moose a couple of times too.It's very good..I don't hunt any more, Ive killed enough in my life (PTSD thing) and it would probably just go to waist.Nobody at home...
  15. bigmike

    Christmas for new goat owners

    Catahoula,an electric is more than she needs.I don't really know what she wants it for.We only have 3 real trees on the place since we are on the edge of the great plains..Do have some small mesquite trees about as big around as my wrist but they are in the unused pasture that she never ever...
  16. bigmike

    Looking for an ND buck to breed my does in Northern Texas

    Just an update..i found someone about 35 miles from me that is willing to breed my doe for me for a very reasonable fee.I dropped my Nigerian off yesterday afternoon to be bred.She should be coming into heat any time now as it has been over 2 weeks since I saw her with heat symptoms...Have...
  17. bigmike

    Christmas for new goat owners

    I asked for a milker since I hopefully will have milk in the Spring.With arthritic hand issues I don't think I will be doing much milking by hand..DW asked for a chainsaw (don't ask me) so I am getting her an electric chainsaw..Hopefully I will get a hand milker..More goats would work...
  18. bigmike

    Woo hoo! I am in Germany

    Congratulations,I have spent over half of my adult life in Germany.3 tours of duty as a soldier and then went back as a civilian for 10 years.My wife is German and we just sent our oldest daughter back to Germany to live with her grandmother so she can finish school there as she plans to live in...
  19. bigmike


    Welcome aboard from The Republic of Texas
  20. bigmike

    Escapee Goats

    I know it is frustrating but your story was hilarious.I feel your pain.My Nigerian doe is somewhat of an escape artist.And where she goes the Nigerian wether and my Lamancha doe follow.Luckily they just get into the fenced back yard now When I first got her she escaped while I was away at work...