Yep...surprised death isn't mentioned....looks like many medications warning labels....and it is done to cover a broad spectrum of situations in order to lessen product liability and to comply with existing laws...this is because of the lawsuites brought and the insurance companies that handle...
Well, having dealt with the medical field since 4yrs of age, I certainly know and have experienced the uncertainty of it...nothing is "black and white"....this is why there are consults and 2nd "opinions" that are encouraged and in some cases mandated....ya can go to 3 different docs with the...
I have always heard that virus has to "run its course" and until it does, people will get sick....the last deathrate I saw was 0.26%, and with such an inconsistency in the testing and reporting, they are having to keep the numbers elevated for it to continue to be classified as a pandemic. I...
if ya need relief, ya should try the Salonpas Lidocaine patches...Joyce uses them often and swears by them....she has nerve issues in the hip back area and it runs down her leg and at times drags her foot when it is really bad....the Doc told her he couldn't do her any good until she couldn't...
The tomatoes have been yanked along with the grn beans, but the bell peppers are still producing..... 🤣 ....we have been getting on/off showers the past several days, but are spose to have less of a chance in the coming days....that is until the tropical storm decides to head in this direction...
:welcome......from western central Florida!!....:frow
Well ya can get a shop vac...or a litter scoop...or stretch a piece of 1/4" piece of hardware cloth on the backside of your pitchfork and use it as a scoop....or ya could till the area and let it compost right where it is, tho watering it...
I am so sorry!!....I looked it up and the poster....viable tv...only has 2 outlets that I can find.....utube and fb...I do not have a fb account, so I can't go there and look for it....however, I will sum up what was was a internal medicine doctor in Houston, TX that has treated and...
I didn't "like" it cause ya are having to deal with such.... :hugs ...but, because ya know what ya are facing and have a "plan of action" to combat it much better, than guessing and throwing the "kitchen sink" at it hoping something will work....:thumbsup
Sure is Good to hear from ya and Glad things are basically well with ya and your family up that way.... :thumbsup ....have often thought about ya and kept ya on the "prayer list".....:hugs:)
Maybe on those days doing fewer miles would be a better solution, because some riding is much better than no ride, and that is much, much better than lying flat of your back in bed wishing ya hadn't.... :)
Oh my!!....that is a good one for ya Barb, tho they will eat birds, they also eat snakes, so since the rattlers may hang around it may be beneficial to ya....if not, pigs will eat em.... :lol:
I had a similar experience with a rat snake and since that time I always put hinges on the backboard...
Fear is a powerful "motivator" and it is sad that sooo many are terrified beyond "good sense".....I sure wouldn't want to be stranded on a "lilly pad" in the middle of a "storm".....always better to have at least "some" close enough to help ya "back to shore".....:old:)