Coronavirus Covid-19 Is it Affecting You and How?

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Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
THANK YOU Very much. @Beekissed for the video. You are right, it is very well done, sensible and explains things for anyone to understand. It is what several others have said, maybe not as articulately.... and what I have been trying to tell people who give me grief about the mask wearing/not wearing.
Sadly we all know that the response is not totally about just the virus but more about control and that is what the "officials" that are continuing to push this ridiculous shut down and all that goes along with it.

I hope that everyone on here watches this and sees that there are more and more real life doctors that are saying this ridiculousness has to stop and we need to go back to life and YES.....HORRORS OF ALL HORRORS.... getting exposed to germs and viruses and bacteria and all the CRUD that is out there. Like she said, we have to take care and not put "people at risk" at risk.... by THEM using masks and other methods to not get too much exposure.... and people in the general public NEED TO STAY HOME and stay away from others while they are sick.
But that is COMMON SENSE, and so many just don't get it or don't want to do it.


Herd Master
Nov 27, 2009
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Wilmington, NC
Obvious why that video is not on YouTube, isn't it? But since a lot of what she said is wrong, or, at minimum, woefully outdated, I'm wondering just how long ago that video was originally made. Either that video is (so to speak) ancient history, or she's one of those people who form an opinion, and ever after refuse any further input. That's a very dangerous person to listen to in an evolving situation - which this most definitely is.


Herd Master
May 7, 2013
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She lost me when she said the C-virus can't survive temps above 70-ish. In the worst of our heat, a couple weeks ago, is when our county exploded. It does sound to me like she was working with older information - as I recall the reference to the virus fading in the heat was what was believed when it began...:idunno


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
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From what I heard her say i would agree with her. For those who still agree to disagree at this point not much is going to sway you. But if she has even 50% chance of being right then you can't say it's dangerous. Now that said you can't argue with her if you believe not enough is known about said virus yet. History show time and time again when population had new pandemic come into effect and life contiuned the same as before for the most part. Yes some died but that part of living we don't choose when we go or how we go. Whether you believe in God or Jesus or not that's the one reality we will all agree on is that life does end on this earth at some point. But while we living how do you prefer to live?? I will probably be told i am wrong again nothing new but for those of the few who what to hear. My family is prefectly fine my family has several high risk members not of my house hold but they haven't gotten it and my aunt who is a rn who has her own clinic with her dh who is a Dr if memory serves. She fine she come in contact on a regular basis with patients of all kinds and with my grandmother who has copd. She hasn't had any issues either. I could go on about family member with cancer or other illness that would cause them to be at a greater risk. My kids and I go to store i wear a face covering because it's law but it's a very breathable just about shear fabric its not actual protection. My kids don't always wash their hands after being in the store either we don't use hand sanitizer. I am not against wearing masks i am against being told what i have to do or I will be fined or arrested expecially when those who commit actual crimes go free. I am against the government being in control of any part of my life that dictates what my freedoms are or what they aren't. I believe Gods word is law, I don't mind be cautious around those who are at risk, but if you are at risk me wearing a mask its not likely to protect you. The best protection for a person at risk is to try to eat health make health desions and try to limit their chance of exposure. When each of my kids were born i didn't not tell everyone in the store to wear a mask to keep them safe.i kept them safe by insuring that they weren't touched or came in direct contact with people who one i didn't know or who were sick or had some symptoms of being sick. I don't take my kids places when they sick we don't go place or if we do my husband or I will go in by ourselves and if either or both of us are sick first we normally have extra of everything incase but if we need something friend or family will get said thing drop it off outside and we pay them for said thing later and the same goes for them. Communities taking care of eachother and the old fashion way has combated more illness them any mask. Communities need to come together and actually take care of eachother if you know someone is sick see if they need anything help them. Be smart about it and also make due that they are taken care of. If they at risk go to the store for them or bring dinner for them. There are other ways to stop the spread of any illness and there are better ways then fear. I am done like I said before there will be those who find fault with what i said and that's fine. I am by no means a speaker but i do believe that those who have spoke out against covid and mask are better at getting the message across and have more knowledge then most of us in certian areas. I also believe i need to stand by those who i consider my friends who get told time and time again they are wrong in manners that aren't correct. I believe that all of you are very smart in each their own way the only way we all benefit from knowledge is by keeping an open mind and seeking God first. I end my post on that.
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