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  1. Egg_Newton

    Does this look like CL?

    She is the newest addition to my herd and I brought her home against my better judgement. I just felt so sorry for her. I have a few posts on here about her already. She was wormy, underweight, and very overgrown hooves. She has been in quarantine this whole time because of the lump and worms...
  2. Egg_Newton

    Help!!! Zombie Goat! **Graphic PiC**

    Marshmallow hasn't been acting herself and looks like she's not feeling very good. Do you think I should be concerned? :lau :lau :lau Sorry playing with my Dead yourself app again! Happy Halloween! I made it smaller. That's pretty gruesom all big and blown up
  3. Egg_Newton

    Ivermec Plus Burns?

    I am getting my own microscope to do my own fecals since my vet charges $20 a pop. I got it off ebay for the price of about 1 1/2 fecals. She's a mini nubian. I didn't have a chance to give her any love today and see how she is feeling. Just ran in long enough to feed and water her. She has...
  4. Egg_Newton

    Ivermec Plus Burns?

    Her fecals were stomach worms. He didn't say anything about liver flukes. He said to give safe guard again 3 days in a row and withhold feed. But he has also told me not to give my buck alfalfa.... and when I asked him about CL and CAE testing he had never heard of either one. :idunno
  5. Egg_Newton

    Ivermec Plus Burns?

    I've read not to give orally to them if they have a heavy worm load. I've also read it should be given 3x 10 days apart. I was thinking I would do the next two doses orally...
  6. Egg_Newton

    New UNEXPECTED Addition to the Farm! Help me Name Her!

    I like that one best too.
  7. Egg_Newton

    Ivermec Plus Burns?

    She's a very well behaved girl too. Not a drama queen like some can be. :/
  8. Egg_Newton


    I just bought one off ebay too. I can't wait to try it out, get real good at it and maybe do them for people locally....
  9. Egg_Newton

    Ivermec Plus Burns?

    I gave my new doe a SQ dose of Ivermec Plus today. I have given her Safe Guard a month ago and she still had a medium worm load, so I wanted to give her something else. And she just screamed and screamed. I felt so bad for her. :hit I made sure it was just under the skin no muscle, no vein. Was...
  10. Egg_Newton

    Doing Fecal Testing at Home

    I just bought a microscope off ebay. I will let you know how it goes.
  11. Egg_Newton


    Are you the one who outbid me?!?! ;)
  12. Egg_Newton

    size of mini nubians

    I have a 3 month old mini nubian bucking (F4 or 5 can't remember right now). He is just a little bigger than my 9 month old ND buck. They may just have inherited more ND than Nubian.
  13. Egg_Newton

    Mini Nubian vs. Dwarf Nigerian body condition**UPDATED PICS**

    Definitely have to give them a try!
  14. Egg_Newton

    Mini Nubian vs. Dwarf Nigerian body condition**UPDATED PICS**

    Got fecals back today. Doc said she has medium worm load and that's with worming her four weeks ago. And said she has cocci. So, at least another round of safe-guard and then round of coccistat. Said my other girls were negative and boys sample had one egg. Not bad but just realized he charges...
  15. Egg_Newton

    New Kids yesterday

    You can tell right away if your baby has blue eyes. They are very blue even at birth. There are goats that can have blue in the inner and brown on the outter of the iris. I've read these are considered genetically blue. This may be what you buckling has. One of my mini nubian bucks have this...
  16. Egg_Newton

    Mini Nubian vs. Dwarf Nigerian body condition**UPDATED PICS**

    I wormed her with Safe-Guard a three weeks ago with her second dose due this week. I will be taking fecal samples to the vet on Tuesday for the whole herd.
  17. Egg_Newton

    New Kids yesterday

    Congratulations! I have a ND doe and buck both cream with blue eyes. I am wondering if their babies with come out an odd color or like their mom and dad.
  18. Egg_Newton

    Trimming Hooves of a Buck Right Now?

    Thankfully, he has grown just enough that he fits now. I have to bring the feed tray up for him to reach his snack while I trim and he is still young that he's not super stinky just yet. It went much better than I had planned! :clap