Thank you guys for your responses. I will check the box periodically to see how dirty it gets. Doe is using far corner for potty so hopefully that won't be a problem.
I use diluted bleech water to stetilize feeders, waterers, and nesting boxes. But I am a little concerned about using bleech on cages and stands. Will it interact with ammonia in urine and make poisonous gas?
My kits are doing great and I'm very excited to finally have a litter that appears to have a good chance at survival. My question is about taking care of the nesting box until they move out of it into the pen. Do I need to change nesting materials after a certain amount of days? If so, do I just...
I have too many bucks. I have not bred with them all but plan to in coming months. I was wondering what criteria an experienced breeder might use to make the choice of which to keep and which to cull. I have two NZB bucks, two NZW bucks, and three Californian bucks. I think I want to keep one...
Several weeks ago I added several new rabbits to my herd. One of them is a NZW that kindled last night. She had nine kits and made a beautiful nest. This morning she was nursing them when I went to feed. So I left her alone for a bit. Later I checked on kits and they were all bundked together...
Should I alternate BOSS with calf manna? Or can they have some of both each day? Does anyone supplement bucks and kits with BOSS and manna? I feed 15% pellets and a veggie treat to all rabbits now.
I just acquired a NZB buck that does not know how to use a water bottle. Am using bowls for him now. None of my other rabbits have had this problem. I changed out water bottle to see if that might be problem and he still didn't use it. Crazy rabbit scratches at nozzle and licks water off it when...
I feed carrots, celery, or lettuce in small amounts every evening. My rabbits love it and have had no problems with digestion. Garden time is coming and i hope to plant several things for the rabbits such as radishes for the tops. Lots of weeds here so will do a little research to see which they...
My experience is limited but I have not heard of this. I would think something is amiss. Oops. Just noticed this is a goat. I thought we were talking about rabbits. My experience just went from limited to nonexistent. Sorry
Rabbits are such funny little creatures. I have a NZB buck that refuses to have a urine guard on the front of his cage. Doesn't matter how secure it is he manages to take it down. I finally let him have his own way because he choose the back of the pen as a bathroom. :rolleyes:
I'm really new at all this too but I would think you would have better luck with new mom and kits separate from buck or any other does. I know my rabbits produce lots and lots of poop and urine. Any wooden floors would be difficult to clean. Rabbit urine smells strong of ammonia so I've been...
One of my NZW does has about ten small bald spots on her face. Thought at first she had just rubbed them against cage bit I think now there are a few more.
Any advice?