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  1. L

    Newbie: 7 week old buckling - likes FOUR bottles a day

    I will probably get in trouble for this, but I think sometimes we overfeed the babies. I did the bucket method with mine, so they would free feed. When they got a bit older my boys were getting bent leg, so I cold turkey weaned them and now their legs are nice and straight. They were 8, 9 and...
  2. L

    Solid white Nuban buck??

    I'm with you DonnaBelle, I love my Nubians, don't even care they are the loudest in my herd, it is just because she is calling me.....I love my Guernsey's too, but the Nubian holds a special place with me....I think they are more sensitive...or mine is anyway..
  3. L

    Am I The only one cooking?

    I am just North of Twin, where are you?? I wondered if we were close since you had so much heat also...
  4. L

    Am I The only one cooking?

    We are roasting! All weekend it was over 100, with Sat 112, Sun 109, Monday 107, today is supposed to be 105, then by end of week in the 90's. Yes we are HOT HOT HOT, my meat rabbit buck died, he has survived other hot spells, guess this was just too much for him.
  5. L

    new to milking and have a question

    With my first time milkers I hold a pint canning jar up close and milk into that, then dump that into a jar that is not in the danger zone!! Worked great now they are all easy milkers.
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    Lavaneh ~ Cheese Balls in Olive Oil

    FUN! I am done for this year, but hope to have more next year. The plan is to have 4 does bred, so that will be a fun time for me.
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    Finally got my Goat Mozzarella to work!

    I agree, don't see why that would matter when you heat it anyway? Being an eager cheese maker I am learning all I can.....
  8. L

    Lavaneh ~ Cheese Balls in Olive Oil

    So two of my girls had their babies and will be weaned soon, so I will be trying out this great recipe! Can't wait!!
  9. L

    Getting a Nigerian Doe - she's GORGEOUS!

    SCORE!!! Congratulations, she is very pretty!!
  10. L

    Milk from two different goats a different color???

    Ok, not sure if you can really tell a difference in the pictures, but here goes, camera pictures not the best... I remembered to take the picture, only AFTER I had already fed the quart of the whiter milk to the babies, that is why the different size jars.
  11. L

    F1 mini what?

    So cute! Looks like you have goat paradise! Grass and toys and trees to climb on!
  12. L

    Milk from two different goats a different color???

    I will be milking them both tonight, will see if I can get it to show up in a photo.
  13. L

    Milk from two different goats a different color???

    I wondered about something like that, but since then the gal I got my Guernsey's from said she was told that their milk is a faint golden color like their hair and skin and eyes, so it must just be natural. The milk is really yummy, so I am not worried about it, just thought it strange.
  14. L

    How long does milk keep in fridge before going "goaty"?

    I think that is individual. I have had some from years ago, that did what yours is doing, but now mine stays good easy a week, maybe more, just have not been able to keep it around that long...... :P
  15. L

    New goat owner and BYH member :) just wanted to introduce myself

    :welcome We all love to see pictures of new babies! Can't wait!
  16. L

    Goats Milk Tastes Off

    is she getting any medicated feed/grain? Have heard that will cause yucky milk. Not sure I would want to use it for cheese if it tastes bad to begin with, others may feel differently... I am a newbie so take what I say with some salt!!
  17. L

    First sip of homegrown goats milk!

    My husband had never had goat milk, now he is hooked, said it is so smooth, like silk..... He looks forward now to granola and "goat milk"....
  18. L

    Milking by hand

    I do believe I have DonnaBelle, don't think I have ever been so content and happy with my life. Everything is not perfect, we still have worries and money issues, but the peace I feel when I get home and out with my girls takes all the stress away. Only 5 more years and it will all be paid...
  19. L

    Milking by hand

    I think you need to live in the country, life is so sweet where you can have animals and not worry about the neighbors.... We only have 3.1 acres, but we have a big pasture, well two actually, barns, orchard, gardens, large yards, a 6000 gallon koi pond, chickens and Silver Fox meat rabbits...