This morning my neighbor called me at 5:30am, I was still asleep, to let me know he put a young hawk in my front yard. He found it with the mom near his swimming pool. The baby doesn't fly very well yet. It walked right up to him, he put out his hand and the young bird went right up in his hand...
Well, a bear just might be able to put a paw in there! We had a bear attack in the mountians just today. With all the fires around us, and the lack of rain we have lots of preditors coming down into more populated areas looking for food and water.
After losing sweet little "Fern" to a Bobcat, it made us build something that would make it much harder for a Bobcat to get the three remaining kids.
Well, it is not much to look at. But, it is very strong and hopefully secure.
Here is the front while it was still in the process of being...
Here is the last photo of Fern. She was such a special kid!! Very friendly. Loved everyone!
Killed by a Bobcat June 26, 2001
"Fernie" peeking out of the milking shed door.
Very easy, you begin with a crepe recipe. I cut the recipe in half so it only makes about three crepes.
1/2 cup milk
1 tbs melted butter
1 egg
1/4 cup flour
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
Cream Cheese
Powdered Sugar (to taste)
Blend together well.
(Make enough for a...
One of the baby goats got killed yesterday by a bobcat!! Today one of the "goat ladies" (there are four of us) put up a very strong portable corral in the goat pen. So, now we will put them in that at night, since the bobcat comes at dawn to do his/her hunting.
The owner of the goats is...
The past few days have been around 110 here!! Right now, my outdoor thermometer says 112! On days like this I do not feel like heating up the house making hot meals.
So, my squash is putting out male flowers at the moment, so I decided to use some! Here is a cool summer dinner idea.
We have one doe that is going on 15 months since freshening, she still gives about a gallon a day. But she had triplets, and nursed them until they were weaned.
From what I have expereniced, the higher number of kids born, the greater amount of milk that is produced. And at around two years...
Today while looking at some new photos of the grandkids, I noticed one face that looked very familiar. I had to then go searching for the photo that I knew had pretty much the same face! I think my grandson Jonah, looks very much like my brother did at about that same age. I think my brother is...
This morning I took a couple of photos in the garden.
This is the first Sunflower!!
And the PVC arch has some Blue Morning Glory Flowers on it!
You would never know from the nice clear sky that we have so many fires burning all around us here. My daughter in Colorado was complaining of...
Raw Goat Milk will not make anyone FAT!! The secret to losing weight is to MOVE more than you EAT. It is very simple, MOVING your muscles burns calories, eating adds calories, if you eat more than you move, you gain weight.
Get up walk around, do some simple exercises. I used a Wii to lose...