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  1. F

    Southern's 2015 Kidding -Mini's off to new home

    Oh my gosh, I'm in love! :loveI love the pic where two of them are sticking their tongues out. They are all such amazing colors. You lady, sure have a great farm! And amazing looking animals. :bow
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    I'm so excited!

    Thank you! :hugs Yes me too. DH wanted them to go so they could see the place, but I told him, I want to be part of this. If the kids are there, I'm the one taking care of them and keeping them occupied. He said he can understand, so I called up my parents. :celebrate Plus, it's been awhile...
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    I'm so excited!

    Thank you so very much! :hugs You guys are so great!
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    I'm so excited!

    Your awesome thank you so much! :hugs DH did tell me that if this doesn't work, he doesn't want to give up on our dream. We will keep looking! :wootBut this one just seems to be the best fit for us!
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    Our baby Ranch

    :welcome from Oregon! Yeah my DH is a butcher, and when he worked on a kill floor, it made me nervous to hear him working with long horns. They would only go to the farm, not let them go to the kill floor. Just not enough room.
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    If you have livestock guardians and you have a family dog..

    You are so right about picking a breed I know! I would really love to breed Rottweiler's, as it's my favorite breed. I know them the best, but I don't like the thought of them being misused. It scares me. What I would really love to do with the breed, bring back the herding in them! You bring up...
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    I'm so excited!

    So for those of you who have been reading my posts, this weekend we go out and talk to the couple that own the farm we want. I'm getting so nervous and sick to my stomach. We want this so bad, but both of us have said, we need to except it if it's not meant to be! Man will that be hard to except...
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    Southern's 2015 Kidding -Mini's off to new home

    I am one of those people that love blue eyed goats :hide Your 3 babies are beautiful! It's a good thing you and I don't live close together. I would be buying a puppy or 2, and a goat or 2. :) DH would be doing this a lot :barnie but I would be :celebrate and :loveYour buck is gorgeous. :ep
  9. F

    If you have livestock guardians and you have a family dog..

    I didn't even think about cats! Do they chase the cats out of the field? I bet it's hard on them, and that's what I am so worried about. I know an intact male will travel miles to a female in heat! I don't want an oops litter and I don't want any dog fights. DH said if we get this farm, he would...
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    If you have livestock guardians and you have a family dog..

    That's so awesome! :lol: getting away from the barking. That would make sense, them getting along when they aren't in the pasture. Thank you for responding.
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    If you have livestock guardians and you have a family dog..

    It does make it a little stressful when dogs don't like each other! Not much you can do about it though, right? ;) We will have to make sure the fence is always secure. Thank you for responding!
  12. F

    If you have livestock guardians and you have a family dog..

    Thank you, I was hoping to hear from you! I love the way you raise your LGD's. This all makes so much sense, again thank you.
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    Callie Pups!New homes & Teaching Moments

    :weeeYes, what I was hoping to read soon! Sure hope she keeps getting better. Lol she knows she'll get it too! Smart, smart girl. ;)
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    If you have livestock guardians and you have a family dog..

    I don't either, and it just scared me when I thought about that. I wouldn't want it to where I would have to get rid of a dog because I didn't do my research!
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    Callie Pups!New homes & Teaching Moments

    I am so sorry that I am just now posting, it's been busy here. I am so sorry that you are going through all this. You are such a great momma to all your animals! I sure hope all gets better from here for you and Callie. The pups are gorgeous. I would love to have any one of those. :drool:love...
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    The Heart of a Guardian

    Oh my gosh I am so sorry :hugsWhat an amazing girl!
  17. F

    Southern's 2015 Kidding -Mini's off to new home

    Too cute! Thank you for posting pics. Sure hope you are going to be able to catch up on your rest soon! Sure glad you had at least one girl! :celebrate
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    When starting a farm...

    Yup, and we are in the process of doing that. We actually posted on here about doing one. Thank you for your info.
  19. F

    When starting a farm...

    The great thing is Dh met this guy through his work, and was impressed with my Dh's skill and hard work ethic. No, they are moving about 2 hours away. That's a great idea, thank you!