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  1. jross8897

    Certain goat teats

    I'm a beginner with goats... I was planning to buy a young billy to raise with my nanny and eventually breed. I was told by a breeder that my female goat's teats were "Balloon teats" and that a kid wouldn't be able to suckle. I have never read anything such, but figured I'd ask to be on the safe...
  2. jross8897

    Post Pictures of Goat Face Close-Ups!

    Say Cheeeeese!!:D
  3. jross8897

    My first two goats!

    :thumbsup very cute!!
  4. jross8897

    baby baby photos

    Awe!!!! Sooooooooo cute!! :thumbsup
  5. jross8897

    I'm a little freaked out....(long)

    I'm still not sure my doe is pregnant... but shes had the same signs (fat, discharge).I hate that goats are liars and as far as dreaming about it... I dreamed my doe had triplets... one was a sheep!! lol :lau
  6. jross8897

    Thought she was pregnant... maybe in heat?

    Thanks so much for all the advice!! :thumbsup
  7. jross8897

    Thought she was pregnant... maybe in heat?

    Maggie (I Think) is a mix between Boer, Kiko, and Nigerian Dwarf. About a month ago Maggie started producing milk. Thought it was odd so I have been watching her closely. Then about a week ago she passed a white discharge that I assumed was the "plug" and that she must have been pregnant when...
  8. jross8897

    Treat for goats

    Mine love salted peanuts in shell and salted sunflower seeds< i only give a little. :)
  9. jross8897

    what does this mean?

    Actually... No not sure she's pregnant. I assumed she was pregnant when we got her... Started producing milk.... white discharge...???? Someone said before "Goats are notorious liars. :barnie"
  10. jross8897

    Poppy has kidded

    Awe!! Too cute!!:thumbsup:love
  11. jross8897

    packing goats?

  12. jross8897

    packing goats?

    I'm no expert, but I have a goat that stays in the yard with my dog. At night, even just walking she lags behind and screams for us. :barnie I always assumed she couldn't see as well. I have had to turn back and walk her with us VERY slowly callind her name the whole way. I don't know about...
  13. jross8897

    what does this mean?

    The discharge looks similar to what came out at first. just not as thick
  14. jross8897

    what does this mean?

    I have felt the ligaments. They seem a little looser than yesterday... but it might be my mind playin tricks.She's been distant more than usual. I think it just means she's getting closer.
  15. jross8897

    what does this mean?

    Maggie passed the plug 4 days ago... this morning she had more white discarge, not as thick as the "plug". anyone know what this means?:/
  16. jross8897

    Watching youtube kidding videos on mute

    My doe is getting ready to kid and I have been watching kidding videos on youtube. This is a terrible idea if the goat is on the front porch which is only a few yards from the computer. When the kid started calling its mother on the video she jumped up and started looking. I stopped the video...
  17. jross8897


    These are the best pictures I can get. Until 4 months ago she wouldn't let me touch her... she's still hard to handle. :he What I saw as far as the "plug" goes was a white thick gross looking discharge.:ep Hours later there was a darker colored discharge on her, but now its clean... I must sound...