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    how to contact moderators?

    how do you find out who the moderators are?
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    Free Ranging and experimental feeding regimes

    Right now I have only one rabbit and she is a pet. I am considering raising meat rabbits and have researched some of this... but I just wanted to tell you my current experience. My rabbit eats what the chickens eat. She gets grains and some corn and hay. I plan to raise alfalfa and clover for...
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    Comparing rabbit raising to chicken raising

    OH, and it would be great to do a rotating pasture with the rabbits, let them fertilize your soil for a whole summer and then the next year move them and use their previous spot to till for the garden ;) just a thought.
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    Comparing rabbit raising to chicken raising

    idk how much help this will be but hopefully a little... i plan to let my rabbits range like my chickens do, they will be able to go in and out of their house and keep only the breeding stock separate from the meat stock. From what i know of butchering chickens vs any fur bearing creature is...
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    how to contact moderators?

    Hi, I am wondering how to contact the moderator(s)? Thanks
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    Ground suitable for pigs?

    Great, that will help me out immensly. Thanks for your responses! :) I have had bad times with my dog eating things and her having to have surgery and I lost sleep that night thinking about my poor pigs having to go through what my dog did. I think I will plan to go out there on a daily basis...
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    Will pigs eat what they dig out of ground?

    Hi, I am not sure what topic to post this under so hopefully it is in the right place. I have been planning to get pigs to raise this summer. I will be raising them outdoors. I have found a supplier and am supposed to call him in a couple weeks to pick up my piglets... However, two nights...
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    ground suitable for rooting?

    Hi, I am not sure what topic to post this under so hopefully it is in the right place. I have been planning to get pigs to raise this summer. I will be raising them outdoors. I have found a supplier and am supposed to call him in a couple weeks to pick up my piglets... However, two nights...
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    Ground suitable for pigs?

    somebody anybody?
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    Ground suitable for pigs?

    Hi, I am not sure what topic to post this under so hopefully it is in the right place. :) I have been planning to get pigs to raise this summer. I will be raising them outdoors. I have found a supplier and am supposed to call him in a couple weeks to pick up my piglets... However, two nights...
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    Pigs and potatoes

    I have a local grocery store that I can pick up their "waste" produce from. I do not have my piggies yet but last summer I collected the produce for my chickens and for compost. I went three times a week and each day I went, I was able to fill up the whole back of my station wagon. :)
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    newbie question

    thanks for the info :)
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    newbie question

    Hi, I am thinking about raising two sheep (they say you must raise them in pairs... is this correct?), what kind of space do I need to give them for graizing? I have read that sheep can get all their nutrients from pasture... is this true? I do prefer to do things not commercially if possible...
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    LAWNS OR MEADOWS;What do you have?

    Sorry if I am taking over the thread but could you please post or pm me the link to the thread you are mentioning here? Thanks :)
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    Cafeteria Scraps

    In my "Encyclopedia of Country Living" book by Carla Emery she talks about a farmer who shares his information for her book. This man would cook veggies for his pigs when the weather was cold. He used to cook them in the house on the cookstove. At some point he bought a huge kettle that he had...
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    What about oranges?

    Hi, when you feed the citrus fruits to the pigs, do you have to cut them up? I have no pigs yet but hoping my hubby will let me get some this spring... :)