Search results

  1. Bicycle

    How to find goat milk

    Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. I talked on the phone with a Nigerian Dwarf breeder and found out why it's so hard to find anyone selling milk. Apparently, someone got angry and sued someone selling milk and it was a huge legal mess, so now no one wants to sell milk around here. I guess...
  2. Bicycle

    How to find goat milk

    Is e-mail just not a good way to get in contact with farmers? I know there are people with dairy goats around here, because there was tons of them at the county fair, I just have no idea how to get in contact with them.
  3. Bicycle

    How to find goat milk

    Around here ("here" being northeastern Illinois), it's legal to sell raw milk, but you're not allowed to advertise. I've been trying to find a place that sells goats milk so I can see if me and the rest of my family likes it before I plan my life around getting goats. I can't find anyone selling...
  4. Bicycle

    Wow. GMO free livestock feed anyone??

    I'm pretty sure one of the requirements to be certified organic is not using GMO's.
  5. Bicycle


    Northeastern Illinois here! :frow
  6. Bicycle

    Please read! Have you ever heard of this??

    With pounds overflowing and free dog ads all over the place, I highly doubt a legit research lab is going to take the time and risk to steal dogs. Maybe in the 70s, but not today. I'd be more worried about her being stolen as a bait dog or picked off by coyotes (yes, they can and do kill big...
  7. Bicycle

    First equine, donkey or a horse?

    I'm leaning twords the donkey, because they're so hardy and mello.
  8. Bicycle

    First equine, donkey or a horse?

    ...anybody? Opinions and critiques are greatly appreciated.
  9. Bicycle

    First equine, donkey or a horse?

    Way off in the distant future (at least 15 years away I imagine) I would like to get some kind of equine. Not for shows or competions, just as a rideable pet (it would be neat if I could train it to plough or drive also, but not required). Which do you think would make a better first equine...
  10. Bicycle

    Horns and Nigerian Dwarfs

    I notice a lot of Nigerian Dwarf breeders only sell dis budded kids, without exception. Is dis budding a really necessary thing to do, or is it just convenient, like declawing? Is something as small as a Nigerian Dwarf going to be dangerous with horns? I know you can't show horned goats, but if...
  11. Bicycle

    The cost of feeding Nigerian Dwarfs for a year

    If I get Alfalfa for $4 per normal sized bale, dairy goat feed $15 per 50 pound bag, sprouts from grain that costs $5 per 10 pound bag, and minerals (dunno how much they cost), how much do you guesstimate it would cost to feed 4 in milk Nigerian Dwarf goats for a year? For the sake of the...
  12. Bicycle

    What do Pygmy goats eat?

    If it's a wether, don't feed it grain.
  13. Bicycle

    Hoover died tonight

    :hugs He was a beautiful goat.
  14. Bicycle

    Suburban Goats?

    Not to be thread hijacking, but how do all of you with small lots (less than 2 acres) get around zoning laws?
  15. Bicycle

    Suburban Goats?

    I hope to be getting goats next year (probably will be a longer wait than that lol). I have a supposedly 2 acre lot, which I think may actually be 3 acres, no neighbors for about half a mile in any direction, and is zoned rural estate. Contrary to what I thought before, I'm unincorporated, and...
  16. Bicycle

    Dairy goat leasing?

    Is a livestock show a good place to meet people, or are they too busy there? I live right next to the county fairgrounds, and they always seem to have shows going on. Also, there are lots of ads on the local Craigslist by college students that want to be Working Students(the descriptions sound...
  17. Bicycle

    New goat!

    She's beautiful. Congratulations!
  18. Bicycle

    Dairy goat leasing?

    I received a curt reply from the 4-H group, saying that they don't know anyone who does stuff like that. I think I may have accidentally insulted them. :(
  19. Bicycle

    Dairy goat leasing?

    I sent an e-mail to my local 4-H group! Hopefully they can put me in contact with someone who does stuff like this. :D
  20. Bicycle

    Dairy goat leasing?

    I mean taking care of them on the owners property. I'd never let someone take care of one of my animals off site either.