I haven't been on BYH in a long time. It was nice to see this new platform, I really like it. I think this is just what BYH needed. Good job, Nifty and team!
Aw! :love He looks great! You must have used an electric hair trimmer, right? Did you use a human one or a pet one? What number did you use? Just curious.
You did great!
I thought they were chickens too for a minute. I was ready to post my breed/gender guess, but figured I'd wait because I wasn't too sure if they were chickens or not. :lol: I guess this answers my question. ;)
He is adorable! Great picture! I'm so happy to hear that you've had such good luck with him on your farm.
I recently met a big rottweiler. This dog was huge, his paws were the size of the palms of my hands. He was a former "junk yard dog". He was given to a shelter because his vet bills were...