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  1. M

    Stupid Cows

    We must have the most stupid or luckiest cows they somehow got ahold of the cord to their in tank water heater and chewed through the wires while it was plugged in. This isn't the first stupid thing they have done but I'll go into that later. :th :barnie :ep
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    New in NC

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    Sad to see them go!

    I am sure they will taste good because they were raised with love and care. It's their personality that I will miss.
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    Sad to see them go!

    :hit Our first steers are leaving us on July 6. And because they were friendly and we got use to them we are really going to miss them! :hit :hit :hit :hit
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    Does anyone have them and where can we find them. Also how much do they cost? Friend gave us an article about them and are interested in raising them. Want to get the Herefords.
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    Hello Everyone!

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    my menagerie

  8. M

    How To?

    I have finally found a milk resource and want to make butter, cream cheese, buttermilk and some type of cheese can I get some recipes and input on how to do these?! :fl :fl
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    Who here has beef cattle?

    We just started this past year. One for us and we are selling the other by quarters. Got so use to them being around that it's going to be hard when they go to the butcher.
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    I was thinking about using a salad spinner what is your thoughts on that?
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    I want to make fresh butter, but don't have the money for an antique butter churn do you have any simple cheap suggestions?
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    Look what we had in our pasture Sunday morning!

    About a week ago we had a Blue Heron in the field in front of property. It's the second one in the 12 years that we have lived here.
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    Do they?

    He almost did but got away fast enough. These our first cattle and we are just learning do's and don'ts. They seem to be like big puppies.
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    New BYCows Moderator - MissPrissy

    I don't know how you find the time! Thanks for jumping aboard!!!!!!!!