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  1. F

    Doe crying, bloat?

    Just saw that her temp is normal by reading Fiasco Farms, also read to stop them from eating, so going out to check her again if left side is distended. THANK YOU Pearce Pastures and Moonshine!
  2. F

    Doe crying, bloat?

    Temp is 102.5 (without my glasses). I brought them to some fresh woods and sat watching for 45 minutes, she was browsing without complaint and let the babies nurse. This girl has always been more vocal than the rest, but not THIS much.
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    Goat Fencearrrrgh!

    Southern! What GREAT pictures! So far, so good with the 4 foot woven wire. I found quite a few places where there were gaps at the bottom. I have been filling these gaps in with field stone ~as much as my back can take at a time. So far the goats have not been to the sides of the pen where...
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    Great Pyr Figuring it out

    Blarneyeggs is actually me. I can not post from Blarney anymore on this computer (where I load pictures). So again, thanks for your responses. We are giving the Bell more and more time with the babies. I am going to lock the baby goats up at night when they reach 2 weeks and will leave Bella...
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    Lily and Colash Kidding Thread

    Thank you everyone! In hindsight, I wouldn't have had them both bred at the same time. I would have staggered our kidding.
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    Great Pyr Figuring it out

    Our Bella will be a year old this month. Too young to be alone with the babies but my gosh I can hardly keep her away from the fence! She wants IN with the babies now that they are here. I have been suspicious of the way she watches them play sometimes, her body in play stance all posed to...
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    We did it!!

    I still can't post under 'Blarneyeggs', but this is me. I have the Goat Nutridrench, but frankly, I forgot about it in all the chaos yesterday. My other girl, Lily kidded at about 5:00pm. Then some thunderstorms came rolling in, DH and my 14 yr old son left for a hockey game and I was...
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    Lily and Colash Kidding Thread

    Thank youi! I think the lil girls face just looks so sweet. And her nose looks like a heart in that picture. I want to call her 'Sweetheart'. Everyone else is calling her 'Yahtzee' It seemed every time I checked on them last night in the dark, one of the dams was sleeping with her babies...
  9. F

    Lily and Colash Kidding Thread

    Not to be outdone by her sister Lily kidded at about 5 pm tonight. I did not get many good pics, babies were not dried off yet. She had a boy and then finally.. A GIRL!! Hollah!! The whole family was standing outside the goat shed when I check this one out, DH yells, "YAHTZEE!" when I...
  10. F

    Lily and Colash Kidding Thread

    First off. THANK YOU Pearce Pastures for talking my out of my hysteria!! Momma has settled in, babies have nursed a little. A little being, not enough for ME to feel okay about it. I did hear back from the vet, she was in surgery today and couldn't be reached during my hour of need, called me...
  11. F

    We did it!!

    They are here and I'm starting to lose it a bit. Worried about kids not nursing. Shouldn't they be nursing now? it's been almost 2 hours!!
  12. F

    Lily and Colash Kidding Thread

    No more kids yet. I tried to 'bounce' her, but do not know what I am feeling for as this is our first kidding. I believe the 2 we have are boys, tricolored, blue eyes ~or all all babies eyes blue at first? Mom and Dad both are blue eyed. I gave mom some warm water with dandelion syrup in it...
  13. F

    Lily and Colash Kidding Thread

    Question. Colash had 2 kids about a 1/2 hour ago.THEN the bubble came what is that all about? are there more kids coming? or was her bubble just confused and came out AFTER the kids. pics to follow.
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    Lily and Colash Kidding Thread

    This is 'Blarneyeggs'. I opened a new user account 'FallViewFarms' as I was having too much difficulty logging in under blarney. This is our first time kidding. I have 2 bred ND does. Lily: originally due July 2nd, but I've read that Nigerian Dwarfs 145 days is a more accurate gestation...
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    We did it!!

    This is Colash from behind, nothing to get excited about, right? This is my Lily Love last night, no 'drop' yet, right?
  16. F

    Goat Fencearrrrgh!

    Here's the deal. We have 3 DN does. Our first fencing, at a friend's recommendation was electric netting with a solar charger. This worked for a bit but not long. We then upped the charger from a 15 mile solar to a 100 mile uhhh not sure what it's called ~plugged into the outlet type...
  17. F

    Door sizing question (let chickens out/prevent goats from getting in)

    I have not tried this yet, but I have a friend who says she runs her goats with her chickens. Her trick is 'hot pepper seeds in the chicken feed' she says she's trained her goats not to eat the chicken feed by lacing it this way. Also, this is supposedly a way to bring your chickens into lay...
  18. F

    Goat in the chicken coop... on purpose?!

    I believe the conversion is: -30 = WAY colder than I EVER want it to be. Ever.
  19. F

    We did it!!

    So this is me 'Blarneyeggs' I tried and tried and TRIED again to load pictures from our computer, but it would not let me log in as Blarneyeggs. sooooo, I had to create a new account. Boo. Still no action here, one of my girls was excreting something from her lady parts yesterday, but nothing...