Found two 4ft gates for a precovid used price, jumped on them so fast.
One will go by new house, other in one of the new pastures. Will move the one I scored before from arena area to pasture as well.
Never would of thought I'd be getting thrills from finding good priced used gates....
Started feeding a bit of protein in the AM. Two days later & they all remember how it works, their version of how it works. Scream & chase the human every time you see her! My ears!
I need to have a bald-faced hornet nest removed, then move the lambs over, move the ewes over, move the rams over, all just to move the bull & his steer friend.
Because we believe we're finally expecting our first calf!
I'm beyond nervous and stressed. Just hope it comes out easy, is healthy and momma accepts & nurses it!
I was making so much racket with that gate install just a few weeks ago! How did they not attack me! *phew*
Got two lambs broken down for the dogs, one more to go. Supposed to get hot and gross again, so decided to do it early and beat the weather.
Wasps and bald faced hornets decided to join me during the process. So glad I didn't accidentally squish one or piss one off!