Mike CHS
Herd Master
I saw that when I was in New Zealand. They set out poison but they try to maximize the fox kill and not the non-target animals.
550 kg=1212lbs.Alfalfa hay is getting really hard to source so this week we purchased 8x4x3 bales with a fair amount of clover in it,weighted 550 kgs and cost $320.00
I can't speak for Australia, but on the big cattle/sheep/goat ranches out in west and south Texas, the answer is 'very very rarely', and in fact, of all the 100s of ranchers and farmers I have met, worked with or for over my lifetime, exactly 1 had a 'dedicated' LGD, and that was this year and he is a BYH member.Do sheep farmers in Australia employ the use of livestock guard dogs like we do here in the US? I am speaking with no experience of the huge flocks that are run out west, but of my own limited experience on my small acreage. We are over run with coyotes, without our LGDs we would have no sheep.
When I 1st came to BYH, I started seeing the LGD references and thought"WTH are they going on about?" but soon came to realize it's mostly a small acreage/hobby farm phenomenon that doesn't carry over to larger tracts. I knew my sister has chickens, b-i-l has had various poultry over the decades and now has hair sheep, have a niece that raises show rabbits and was into geese and guineas and nearest neighbor has a big variety of farm animals, are as close to true self sufficiency as anyone I ever met & they don't and never have had an lgd and I never met anyone here in Texas or anywhere else that had one until I was visited by a BYH member earlier in the year.G'day you make an interesting observation B M and G B's apply to down here as well .Almost 40 years ago we were "breeding" Maremma Dogs but generally speaking the people who purchased them for "goats" and the property's were "closer in" rather than the big runs out West.At that time almost half of our pups were purchased poultry whose owners had very expensive or "rare breeds".
To understand anything which is introduced I always look to the past and where they evolved and what type of management came with their use.The LGB's in almost every country were bred by "shepherds" who roamed the wild hill country of their birth and to my mind this is how they should be used in any new environment.I can't see a really successful outcome if after introduction to their charges you put them out in a paddock of 1000 acs visit them once a week with some feed .The dogs developed with human company and like all dogs their only wish is to please and be praised by their master...T.O.R.