Alaskan's Journal


Herd Master
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula, Alaska


Herd Master
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Well... goly geeze.


So... renter let their fuel oil run out... a JILLION hours later the kids finally got the toyo space heater back up and running.

The kids still haven't gotten the toyotomi hot water heater running... those are more fiddly.

And... today the kids had work, and had to disassemble an entire set of old style bookcases, and also install a sink and cabinets for the in-laws.

The bookcases:

We are getting them for free.... BUT, so much work man!!! And... we are already swamped with work!

We have to clean out the room where they are supposed to go... and where they are going is crammed full of junk....

And my shoulder is torn... so :tongue I am little help!

Also... something got into the bantam coop and killed one of the girls...

Not sure what it was, looks like maybe weasel family, except for the fact that only 1 was killed.

So.... I decided the bantams, now down to 1 male and 3 females need to be kicked in with the standard size flock.

So... I thought the most mother inclined of the bantam hens should be put into our under poop shelf brooder (which is in the standard coop) and given the half grown chick... with heat of course....

In order to distract the flock.. I opened up the door to the greenhouse... all hope is lost anyway (vegetable wise)... too cold now...

And well....

The bantams are fine. The bantam cock is off on his own in the coop going to have to make sure there are multiple feeding spots and he isn't being bullied off the feed.... but, there is zero picking or blood...

BUT, half grown chick decided to NOT snuggle with the hen/buddy in the brooder, OR utilize the heat lamp... so come morning was almost dead.

We have revived the half grown chick, which is of course BACK IN MY HOUSE.


And, whine, whine, whine, whine...

This stress with my mom... added to the constant shoulder pain...

And I am just a constant puddle of whine fest. :rolleyes:


Herd Master
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Well.. things are looking up!

Had the MRI on my shoulder Oct. 30.

And then yesterday I got a steroid shot. The doc doing the injection kept saying that all of the swelling... and a bunch of adhesions, were keeping the shot from going to all the places where she wanted it to go....

She also said I might need a shot directly into the shoulder bursa.

Anyway... sounded like doom and gloom to me.

And, for the rest of the day the pain levels were way higher... extra fluid in there of course, and they made me hold it in a bad for me position....

But, this morning, it is BETTER!!

If I don't move at all, the pain is just at ache level.

Wow, just wow... that is nice!!!

So, :fl it might be uphill from here.

And, today we got our first decent-ish snow.

I had an appointment this morning to swap out tires... so, drove down all snail like .. and dropped my car off...

And they said it will be done in about 5 hours.

And nope, I don't have a ride.

We only have 2 winter worthy cars... spouse has one, and is booked all day... and the other one... is getting the tires swapped! So, even though I do have a kid that can drive... there is nothing that he or I would want him to drive down the steep hill into town.

I refuse to take a taxi x2. So, stuck here.

But, it isn't too bad actually.

I only had to walk about a mile to a bagel shop. Ice on the sidewalk is bad (and I am wearing my ice Bogs), but there is a grass shoulder that I got to walk mostly on, so only tiny slipping when i had to cross driveways... nothing too scary.

But... my iPad, that I need to work, that I brought with me... is out of battery... which I knew... so, I brought a battery pack... but. Not. The. Cord. :rolleyes:


Herd Master
May 7, 2013
Reaction score
And then yesterday I got a steroid shot. The doc doing the injection kept saying that all of the swelling... and a bunch of adhesions, were keeping the shot from going to all the places where she wanted it to go....

She also said I might need a shot directly into the shoulder bursa.

Anyway... sounded like doom and gloom to me.

And, for the rest of the day the pain levels were way higher... extra fluid in there of course, and they made me hold it in a bad for me position....

But, this morning, it is BETTER!!
I have a twitchy shoulder that acts up every now and then. Twice over the past 4 - 5 years I've gone to the doc and begged (!) for a steroid shot. Yep - hurts worse at first but oh, my, goodness it's so worth it.

Glad you got some relief!

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