Alaskan's Journal


Herd Master
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Ok.... I thought I better put what I have been up to here....

So... after the bear attack, since FOUR boys are here this summer and working on upgrading and repairing my infrastructure (mostly runs and fence work) I super bought.

While I was still thinking what I wanted to do my older sister ordered 15 straight run Partridge Chanteclers for me (from Hoover Hatchery). One was DOA. We had trouble getting them to eat properly... and lost a few more over the next couple of days. Now we have 11. They are STOCKY. Been some time since I have had a stocky chicken breed... for the last some odd years I have been breeding only Spitz (chamois and golden spangled) and bantam Wheaten Ameraucana.

Someone told me that you can't sex the Chanteclers by chick down. But some look like brown leghorns, which can be sexed by chick down. But... they have way more down color variety than brown leghorns. I really wish I could get good pictures of them and keep a record of how they change.... but they move too much and my skills in such things are low.... 4 scream female (were they brown leghorns. Clear triangle on head and clear eyeliner), so I am very interested to see if that is what they end up being. (Females.... not leghorns :lol: )

So, before sis told me she had ordered chicks for me, I ordered all sorts of things.

I ordered a huge bunch of Musvovy eggs, because I was trying to get chocolate pied muscovy again... couldn't find what I wanted ... but got a color assortment... the eggs showed up, they look great, and too many for my incubator.


I had the kids find an old half busted incubator to take the extras... and hopefully by day 3 or 5 I can consolidate all the eggs into 1.

My 5 straight run black muscovy, and 4 male buff geese all from McMurray arrived today.

The muscovy are fantastic!!!

The geese are monsters. Super toddler mouthy.

Tomorrow I get my big McMurray chick order. I have to get up at 5am to get these orders from the post office.

Something else I tell ya.


I am so worried that I will miss their phone call that I don't sleep well....
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Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Ok.... I thought I better put what I have been up to here....

So... after the bear attack, since FOUR boys are here this summer and working on upgrading and repairing my infrastructure (mostly runs and fence work) I super bought.

While I was still thinking what I wanted to do my older sister ordered 15 straight run Partridge Chanteclers for me. One was DOA. We had trouble getting them to eat properly... and lost a few more over the next couple of days. Now we have 11. They are STOCKY. Been some time since I have had a stocky chicken breed... for the last some odd years I have been breeding only Spitz (chamois and golden spangled) and bantam Wheaten Ameraucana.

So, before sis told me she had ordered chicks for me, I ordered all sorts of things.

Someone told me that you can't sex the Chanteclers by chick down. But some look like brown leghorns, which can be sexed by chick down. But... they have way more down color variety than brown leghorns. I really wish I could get good pictures of them and keep a record of how they change.... but they move too much and my skills in such things are low.... 4 scream female (were they brown leghorns. Clear triangle on head and clear eyeliner), so I am very interested to see if that is what they end up being. (Females.... not leghorns :lol: )

I ordered a huge bunch of Musvovy eggs, because I was trying to get chocolate pied muscovy again... couldn't find what I wanted ... but got a color assortment... the eggs showed up, they look great, and too many for my incubator.


I had the kids find an old half busted incubator to take the extras... and hopefully by day 3 or 5 I can consolidate all the eggs into 1.

My 5 straight run black muscovy, and 4 male buff geese all from McMurry arrived today.

The muscovy are fantastic!!!

The geese are monsters. Super toddler mouthy.

Tomorrow I get my big McMurray chick order. I have to get up at 5am to get these orders from the post office.

Something else I tell ya.


I am so worried that I will miss their phone call that I don't sleep well....
Chicken math rules :lol: !!


Herd Master
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Wow from zero to a million in a week :ep

Hey, you're having fun!! It's all good.
Nah! I have 5 left over from the bear attack... I think... maybe 6, have to go count.

But yes, WAY MORE NOW.

Better stop working on the house and start working on fences and coops.


Herd Master
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Ducklings are insanely cute. I had forgotten how awesome.

Also, #2 son, bride- to- be, and son #5 are now playing with the goslings on the grass in the sun.

Funny listening to the kids make all these baby noises to the goslings. Son #2 ran into the house to rinse off a worm in the kitchen sink, he thought it had way too much dirt for a new hatchling. :lol: He almost lost it down the drain... worms are extra slippery when you rinse them off.

HUGE MONSTER babies! Mouthy too, as bad as puppies.

Then next week I get my last gosling order (I got 4 male goslings from McMurray this morning, next week I get 8 females from Metzer).

Those Partridge Chanteclers I got 2 weeks back, we just moved them out into the coop part of my chicken tractor. We used dirt as the bedding (organic potting soil). They enjoy it, and are old enough now that they eat the feed that falls into the dirt, but don't chow down on the dirt. They really are a mellow breed. When we pop the door open and closed (warped, so it opens and closes with a bit of a bang) they don't freak. I am glad my sis got them for me.

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