BarredRockMomma (I'm still here)


Loving the herd life
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Salt Lake Valley
Ok now for the full update. I spent a lot of time with the yesterday and a lot of time sleeping. So today it's back to m\wotk to get caught up :(

So wednesday mornig I had posted a question about when she would kid, had the children checking on her all day and generally just stressing. I had read Rolls page on kidding for begginers and I can't thank her enough for that page. So I noticed that she was getting close and but I figured I still had a couple of days to go. Well about 8:30 Wednesday evening my buck Beau-Tye was acting up which got the horse going. So mom went out to check on him and hollred at me to get out there. I figured that I would get my stuff and sit with Beau for a bit until he calmed down.

Once he was calm we checked on the chicks because we were getting a lot of smoke from a wild fire. Then we noticed that the kids forgot to water the horses :he So while I'm watering the horses, I noticed that Rosie was laying down and getting up and grunting a lot. SO I sent mom after children (who had vanished again :somad ) the rags and the kit. Now keep in mind I just cleaned out the kidding shed, so she picked a corner of her yard :barnie and with in a few we had the first bubble with fluid present and pop. Then maybe 20 min and I saw the first kid. While I am focused on her the sun is setting, the flash light dying and people running around trying to get lights set up for me. Back to the bubble, it looked like the pictures a nose and 2 hoofs, couple of pushes and he was out. Got him wiped off and handed to mom, she started cleaning and looking after him.

My son then noticed a second bubble. :weee When I got back there I noticed that it had burst and that we were missing a hoof. So with a little work and help we got baby #2 out. The first thing that I thought was Oreo, I have a black and white appy with that name, hence OMG a very Utah phrase. I spent several mintues working on OMG to get her nose cleared and to keep her breathing then I passed her to mom. It took mom a few to realise that she had two. :hu

So we all spent about an hour out there after, cleaning up and just watching. While we were all there baby #1 tried to jump and such so he got the name Thor. So after everyone else went to bed I stay with them to watch for the pleanceta and just keep an eye on things. Finally about 3am they all settled down and I headed in to bed.

I will be posting more pics in the days to come. Also OMG's name has had an adjustment to Odette My Goat, OMG will go on the paper work. :bun


Loving the herd life
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Salt Lake Valley
Well the babies are now one week old. They are jumping and running all over the yard. OMG has filled out and is doing wobderful, I was a llittle comcerned for the first day or so but all is good now. I have to change the color of my nails all the goats think they are probios and try to eat them. :rolleyes: silly goats.

I am sleeping better and not running out to check on every cry that they make, I learning what they all mean, mostly they are saying "MOMMM stop that!" I have a couple of pictures that I will post as soon as I have time. Work has been crazy this week.

I think that is all for now, I am sure that there has been more going on just don't remmber it all right now. Talk to you all soon oh and Welcome back from your trip Red!


Loving the herd life
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Salt Lake Valley
:weee :weee :weee

I have finally got the goats move around. So that the normal does are in one yard, the lactating does and kids less than 3 months in another yard and the boys further away from the girls. I have been putting this off because I just could not figure out the logistics of the move, (yesterday figured it out in less than 10 minutes :hide ) Anyway this morning when I milked Bea, I got 1 cups from her :weee I normally only get cup. I hope this keeps up :fl That would mean buying less cow milk.

The babies are doing good running and bouncing everywhere. This weekend I will work on posting a video of them.

A cup and a half of milk :weee :weee


Loving the herd life
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Salt Lake Valley
In the last month or so I saw an ice cream recipe for ice cream with out eggs. Now I can't remember the journal it was in or even who posted it. :barnie If you know where it is please let me know. I promised my grandmother fresh peach ice cream. :hide


New Member
Aug 8, 2011
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I thought it was Rolls too. I was searching her journal but gave up.
Here is a copy of the recipe for you BRM.

1 pint store-bought heavy cream (or goat cream if you have it ....)
2.5 pints goat milk
2 T vanilla
1 c sugar

That's exactly what will fit in my ice cream maker, you may have to tweak it.