I hate walking a lot and I knew that going in so I secured myself a spot in the wing. I will admit that I have a fondness for the artilley boys. I have always been in awe of the accuricy and all the math that goes into it. Also to get paid to blow stuff up that is just cool.
We were accurate but not pin point..I was MLRS , yep blowing stuff up is cool until you roll through the artillery battalion you just fired on half an hour before..Not a pretty picture and sticks with you
Talking to some of the older guys at the VA I know how that stuff stays with someone. I was lucky to never see anything like that. I glad that the VA is taking steps to start helping our boys with PTSD as soon as the get state side.
Yeah, and the Army is doing a much better job with it too...A lot of these kids already have a PTSD diagnosis when they get out and that gives them an atuomatic 50% from VA from the start..In my case I fought with them for years and they kept saying I didn't have PTSD.....But once i was rated for it I am very pleased with their treatment of it unlike some of their other areas...I think the VA now has excellent Mental Health care...It took them awhile to get my meds right but now that they have I am much better, plus the year of PTSD group once a week helped a lot too...It's good to have a bunch of guys that all understand where you are coming from and going through..
The meds tend to take a while to work out mostly because there are so many options for them. The other place the my VA (can't/won't speak for others) is making great strides in care is for the Female vets. They are making a push in the media to let women know that they are vets too and that being in combat is not what makes you a vet. The MH clinic and the Women's clinic work together to creat women's olny support groups and that makes a huge difference.
Yeah I noticed that the VA was pushing for better care for female vets...And I think it is a great thing...Y'all are my sisters and deserve the same good care as all my brothers and I recieve.....Without the women in todays armed forces they wouldn't be able to function....I was lucky, when I went in in '81 my MOS was one that allowed females, so my first duty station there were some in our unit..I have no problems with female soldiers as long as they do their job and pull their weight...And I met many that did and were great soldiers..And also met a lot that were slackers and played the girlie card all the time..But I met just as many worthless slacker males too..........You at work? I am, can't you tell I am working hard.,...
At work I am plowing through a years worth of paid work orders that need to be filed. Then when I can't sit any longer I am check the shelfs for parts to see if they are here or not (techs taking parts with out telling anyone it just makes things harder for the rest of us.
I understand that...Luckily no one can take anything from my office without me being here ...And since it's mail no one bothers it anyway because everyone knows it is a federal offense ..My hardest thing is trying to keep occupied and not die of boredom...I spend a LOT of time online and surfing..lol
We could solve the problem by locking the doors and not letting the techs in the parts room. But to make that work they would have to hire more parts people and you know how likley that is.