BarredRockMomma (I'm still here)


True BYH Addict
Apr 22, 2010
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N. Kentucky
Thank you BR Momma and BigMike. There are no words that can properly express my gratitude. I may live the way I wish because of the sacrifices you and others like you have made. There is no way to ever thank someone for that.


Chillin' with the herd
Oct 13, 2012
Reaction score
North central Texas
Sorry, been busy..A lot going on in my life right now....I almost cried tonite when i saw y'all thanking us...And as BRM said everyone does it for a different reason...i was probably meant to be a soldier, growing was fascinated by all things military..Then upon graduation from High School with jobs scarce I joined..I had to get my parents signature since when I went in I was still 17..I turned 18 in Basic training...The Army helped me mature and grow into the person I am today..I do not regret any of my military time or the training and hardships I went through......And I have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for any vet, be they young or old, if they saw combat or not..They all are my brothers and sisters...I too have a soft spot for vets...and I am really OVERWHELMED by the thanks and gratitude that people like BRM and myself receive from the wonderful folks on this site..THANK Y'ALL and I am very humbled.....................

BRM, be safe driving in that freezing rain..It's the worst type of winter precip there is..We tend to get some just about every year here in northern Texas and sometimes it is a couple of inches of pure ice...So be careful in it..Been there done that.


Loving the herd life
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Salt Lake Valley
Welcom to Monday. No matter what I do it all ways seems to show up and bring the work week with it :hit Well I have a nice relaxing weekend. I put Jazzy in wuth Beau Tye so if things go my way then between June 22nd and the 25th I will have little babies running around so :fl that she will settle. In other goat news I didn't have to deal with frozen water the weekend temps it was above freezing :weee then we got 10" of that white stuff last night :hu I spent my inside time this weekend working on my crochet goat, I am almost done with the body. I will post pics when I finish it. I am working on a family of them for a raffel at a goat show that my friend is putting on this June. I am also thinking about making a blanket for it, but we will see how long the little goat family takes.

As for the freezing rain. Last weeks edvent was the first time in 30 years that we had measurable freezing rain, .08 was the final total I belive. So for us it just does not happen. And for that I am glad because it just makes life slippery as all get out. I think that is the whole weekend up date if not I'm sure that I will post more later this morning. :gig


Loving the herd life
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Salt Lake Valley
Well here I am again at Monday. It's not so bad this week. Other than the fact the my team lost yesterday :hit but there is always next year. I spent several hours with the goats yesterday. They all got groomed they are all sheding a lot, I am hoping this means that warmer weather is close at hand. While my DD was grooming them I worked on hooves and found some are really bad and will have to be done again next week :hide I really need to check them on a regular basis. The ones that suprised me were the bucks all three of them were in good shape and I won't have to worry about them until next month. :weee I also managed to give everyine the CD&T with no problem. First time giving shots to any living thing. Now I am off to read all the journals that have been updated this weekend. :bun


Loving the herd life
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Salt Lake Valley
OK so no Monday post this week because I did not want to adknowledge it this week. :barnie

Well yesterday was the first and the last chicken round up for my place. It took 2 adults and 4 kids about an hour and a half to round up and box up 50 chickens for transport to the processor. For the most part they were easy to catch and box. But there were some that I would get into the net just to have them jump right out again. Then there is Sheldon of my Big Bang roosters. He went over the fence to the horses yard and has yet to come back were we can get him. This means that when ever I do manage to catch him I have to process him my slef. I can do but really don't want to :rolleyes: It will be nice to have some fresh chicken for dinner tonight.

This morning when I was leaving for work the yard was very quite. After having 50+ roosters out there making noise every morning it was strange to not head anything. The four that are staying were sitll asleep. The report that I got from Mom this morning is that Rock my head rooster is very happy. He is back to having his yard and ladies and none of the little buggers causing problems.

On the goat front we are about 6 weeks away from Bea's kidding date. She is getting bigger with a little udder development and she is my cuddle bug. When ever a human goes out to her yard she is right there to get her loves. This from the goat that would run if you looked at her when we brought her home last June. I don't have postive proff that she will kid because I have yet to master or even attempt to draw blood from the goats. I have watched the videos online but have not worked up to do it. This pay day I may order the kit from Bio Tracking and give it a shot.

After a month of being sick/having extream pain in my right ear I am starting to feel better. Think that is was a medication that I was taking that was causing the problem I stopped taking the meds and now am inproving daily. It just means that I am back to the drawing board working with the docs to be able to sleep all night. So that should be fun. :hide Well I'm off to read the rest of the site. :frow


New Member
Aug 8, 2011
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BarredRockMomma said:
OK so no Monday post this week because I did not want to adknowledge it this week. :barnie

Well yesterday was the first and the last chicken round up for my place. It took 2 adults and 4 kids about an hour and a half to round up and box up 50 chickens for transport to the processor. For the most part they were easy to catch and box. But there were some that I would get into the net just to have them jump right out again. Then there is Sheldon of my Big Bang roosters. He went over the fence to the horses yard and has yet to come back were we can get him. This means that when ever I do manage to catch him I have to process him my slef. I can do but really don't want to :rolleyes: It will be nice to have some fresh chicken for dinner tonight.

This morning when I was leaving for work the yard was very quite. After having 50+ roosters out there making noise every morning it was strange to not head anything. The four that are staying were sitll asleep. The report that I got from Mom this morning is that Rock my head rooster is very happy. He is back to having his yard and ladies and none of the little buggers causing problems.

On the goat front we are about 6 weeks away from Bea's kidding date. She is getting bigger with a little udder development and she is my cuddle bug. When ever a human goes out to her yard she is right there to get her loves. This from the goat that would run if you looked at her when we brought her home last June. I don't have postive proff that she will kid because I have yet to master or even attempt to draw blood from the goats. I have watched the videos online but have not worked up to do it. This pay day I may order the kit from Bio Tracking and give it a shot.

After a month of being sick/having extream pain in my right ear I am starting to feel better. Think that is was a medication that I was taking that was causing the problem I stopped taking the meds and now am inproving daily. It just means that I am back to the drawing board working with the docs to be able to sleep all night. So that should be fun. :hide Well I'm off to read the rest of the site. :frow
That's a lot of roosters to catch! :ep

Is it Bea you are questioning pregnancy on? If it is then the fact that she is getting bigger and has udder development should be enough to confirm pregnancy. So why would you send biotracking on her if she is already showing pregnancy signs that are pretty definite? If it's another doe you are wondering about then I apologize for the questions.

Hope the drs can figure out what to do to help you sleep at night. :fl


Loving the herd life
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Salt Lake Valley
I'm pretty sure about Bea, but there is another one that I am not sure about. Also I just think I need to learn how to do it.


Loving the herd life
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Salt Lake Valley
I got the frying pan special from McMurray and they are white leghorns. I also had a few EE roosters and barnyard mutts.


Loving the herd life
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Salt Lake Valley
I am still here and still reading and checking in on things here. Just when the drama flares I take a break until it calms down. I don't want to know anything about it. But I am still here and enjoying all the information and connections that I make on here.

Ok now for my update...... you can go to my website and read the latest blog post. I spent the morning updating the whole site. I hope that I didn't miss anything. With the way that I have not been functioning it is possible. :smack

The quick version is that I brought home 2 babies last month and Rosie should be kidding any time now. I have started a kidding thread for her so you can read about the doe code in affect at my place.

Again thank you all for the information and connections that I have made on here.