Baymule’s 2024 Lambing plus 12-23


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Little Girl had no lamb at bed check last night. This morning there was a single ram lamb, clean, dry, up and nursing. He is from registered parents, so if he makes the cut, he will be registered and sold. My granddaughters will help me ear tag him this morning.


Tina's LucyGraycee

Overrun with beasties
Dec 26, 2023
Reaction score
Newark Texas
@Tina's LucyGraycee Hi! I'm an hour south of you in Cleburne. Welcome to the herd. My journal is
Hi Margalis!! Thanks for shout out clarifying. Funny I've been trying to find out more about livestock auction in Cleburne. I've been taking care of (31) abandoned Blackbelly Barbado, American Blackbelly Barbado, White face Dorper & Wool cross bred sheep dieing from starvation, malnutrition, barberpole worms, being pulled down by twin & triplet fetuses. Man that has stepped in to help me has Dorpers & has intentions of taking all Barbados to auction. I'm not very familiar with livestock auctions & requirements to sell. He was taking Texas Dall Ram, 1) Blackbelly Ram with good size horns & 2)Barbado/cross Ram kids today but his job called last min & sent him out of state. So he's kinda elected me to take Rams to auction if I want too. I'm not comfortable going in blind. I want to be able to take care of whatever is expected from sellers. I don't have specific details on sheep's background/history prior to 2021. I've recorded everything after that to current date. For some reason he had a man that was gona go with him to help him get good money for Rams. What that means or was supposed to intell I have no clue. Should I do same thing? Do I need to find an established seller/buyer to go with me or meet me at auction? This will be a trial run sorta. 8) Barbado Ewes are pregnant with twins, 1)White Faced Dorper Ewe carrying Triplets, 2) Dorper/Wool mix Ewes carrying singles. Those 2) Dorper mix Ewes should deliver in next 24-48 hrs. All the rest are due in 7 days. But 2) of them look like it will be alot sooner than that. I'm sure I have date they were bred off some. They'll eventually be taken to auction. My guess would be not before babies are 3 mths or when they're weaned. It's been my observation that Blackbellies aren't very popular. I wondering if there's a better venue to sell them through. Any info you could tell me about best way to go about selling them or goings on in general about auction I would greatly appreciate it. I don't own them but can't watch them suffer & will stay the course as long as they do provided their progressing & not suffering, with sole purpose of giving them a healthier & safer place to live abuse free like they deserve. These poor sheep have endured so much but haven't been broken. They have tremendous hearts, compassion for each other & trust me explicitly cuz I have always made sure to best of my ability they weren't mistreated in anyway starting with food & water. Then span out from there with special treats in form of apples, celery, carrots & licorice of all things. I wish I could find a rancher or someone that could take all of them as a herd & keep them together like they've been. So having said that...
Thank you for welcoming me to herd. I enjoy everyone's posts. I've learned alot from some of them but invy all of them for their sheep lives. Who knows if I do get to Cleburne pretty soon it'd be fun to bump into one another!! Thanks for listening. Have a good very late wait it's have a good very very early morning!

Tina's LucyGraycee

Overrun with beasties
Dec 26, 2023
Reaction score
Newark Texas
Little Girl had no lamb at bed check last night. This morning there was a single ram lamb, clean, dry, up and nursing. He is from registered parents, so if he makes the cut, he will be registered and sold. My granddaughters will help me ear tag him this morning.

View attachment 103535
Your tarp/shelter gives me an idea. I'm still trying to make a birthing place for rest of ewes but running out of options due to lack of materials to work with. Plus Ewes are separated as I told you into pens/my frt & back yard depending on how critical their state is. So multiple places have to be made. I'll go to feed store & round up some tarps with intentions of copying your creation. I'll let you if I crash in burn or fly like eagle with sucess!! Thanks for posting pics. BTW Your granddaughters are precious & really enjoy helping you cuz they love babies!!


Herd Master
Apr 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX area
@Tiny Farm Nuggets The sheep specific auction in Bowie will be a better bet and closer. They will actually sort and sell by breed and offer as breeding stock. You can sell ewe with lamb at side. The Cleburne auction just sells for meat. Any super nice ewe and lamb pairs might be better sold thru FB on Texas Homesteading group as "looking for new homes".

Regarding taking someone to get a better price, he might have meant he knows a buyer who resells groups of sheep onto producers. The other not legal option is having his friend up the cost by bidding without intent to buy. To sell, all you need is driver's license and address of facility they were being kept at. If they do not have Scrapies ID tag, auction will charge for tagging them.
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Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
If you were elected to take sheep to auction, you don't need to do anything other than drive them there. At the auction, they will have you fill out paperwork with owner's name and address, sex of animal, ear tag (if one) and will attach own scrapie tag since those sheep probably don't have one. You don't have to remain at the auction, the sale check - minus the selling percentage fee, and any fees for yardage, tagging, etc. - will be mailed to the owner at his address.

If you are supposed to get a percentage fee, I suggest you have the check mailed to you instead. Put the owner's name, your address, and sign it as the owner's agent. The auction will give you a receipt showing what animals were brought in and consigned. The check for the sale price, less fees, will be made out to owner and sent to your address by the sale yard. When you give the check to the owner you can collect your percentage and gas money for the trip at the same time. Even 'nice" people can "forget" they promised to reimburse you expenses and pay you a fee for looking after the animals. Be sure to keep the consignment sip and check, when received, together.

Since you don't know the background or ongoing health issues of these sheep, I would use the auction instead of selling privately. No blow back if the sheep has some sort of disease or health issue of which you were not aware. No guarantees of health at the auction.