Herd Master
I've resorted to covering the handles of most of my common tools in hot pink duct tape JUST so I can find them when I drop them in the last spot I used them (Or chuck them across the field in frustration)
I already did that! I had a ram lamb born walking on his pasterns, several years ago. He looked like he was wearing flip flops. I treated him with the BoSe, did the same with this little lamb.You need to get some MuSe in her for the legs... it is especially for weak tendons/muscles/white muscle disease. It is basically E and Selenium... You can't buy it over the counter due to the laws about supplemental selenium. Call the vet and ask... you can also use BoSe which is for cattle so be careful of the dose. But it will help with strengthening the tendons etc.
It does look like some deformity but alot can be fixed while everything is still "soft"....
Good save....