Baymule’s Journal

Hideaway Pines

Loving the herd life
Aug 18, 2020
Reaction score
Whew! It’s been a day! Therapy was canceled this morning, so I went to Crockett for dog food and horse feed. Was coming down the driveway and saw Frimplepants out in the field with lambs. EEEERRRRKKKKKK! Stopped car, leaped gate in a single bound on my bionic knee, (not really but it sounds fun) and ran to Frimplepants. The other ewes were trying to steal her babies. Some were licking the lambs, Frimplepants was freaking out. The black and white lamb was following other ewes, Baa baaing and trying to nurse on them. So I got them penned up, dogs too.

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The black and white lamb is a girl! The white one was shivering, Frimplepants went to work on her, but she was flopping around, trying to get up.

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Poor little ewe’s front legs were so bent, she could barely get up. She tried to nurse, but kept falling down. I picked up the lambs, with Frimplepants following, yelling all the way, and put them in a small pen. I let the ewes and dogs out.

Sentry was going bonkers, wanting the babies. He stuck his head through the cow panel and licked the white baby. Sheba and Carson wanted the babies too. The only one on the farm not trying to lick or steal babies was the horse. LOL

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I texted Chase, the neighbor who keeps me supplied in pallets and asked for 4 more. I tried putting the white ewe up to the teat, but she was weak, her legs were bent and she just wasn’t able. I tried tying Frimplepants up and milking her. Uhhh….nope. My sweet, rub my tummy ewe turned into a tiger with no teeth or claws, but the implication was clear. Obviously this wasn’t working, so I called TSC in Crockett and they had colostrum. I wrapped the ewe up in a towel, stuffed her in my sweat hoodie next to my belly for warmth and left.

At TSC, I bought the colostrum, pulled a baby bottle out of my pocket and asked for warm water. I had the ewe snuggled in my sweat hoodie with her head hanging out. A lady, Tammy, took the bottle, returned with warm water and mixed the colostrum. Customers were smiling and asking questions about the ewe and I told everyone that I was getting EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE. I went and sat on a pallet of 50# dog food bags and fed the lamb. Then I went to Walmart for milk to make formula. People stopped me to see the lamb and one woman was utterly enchanted, petting the lamb and said I made her day. I even got my picture taken.

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It wasn’t long after I got back home that Chase showed up with pallets. I put the ewe lamb back with Frimplepants. Warm and strengthened by the warm colostrum, the lamb struggled to her wobbly feet and was able to nurse on her momma! She didn’t get much and collapsed. I fixed her a bottle and Chase fed her. He was delighted. I explained that I’m leaving on Sunday for vacation to Disney World with daughter and family for 6 days. Would he be interested in bottle feeding the lamb while I am gone? He was glad to.
“Good! Then she will be yours! “
It was decided that I will keep her until Saturday, make sure she has 2 days of colostrum and well started on formula.
He and his wife have a 10 year old girl, this little lamb will be well cared for and loved.

We got a good pallet shelter built and enlarged the pen.

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Poor little ewe lamb! I think her legs are so bent from being squished in the womb. I’ve already started therapy on her. I’ve rubbed her legs, very gently straightening them. They won’t straighten but I’m trying to stretch the muscles and tendons.

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Chase left to go home. I let the ewes in their night pen to feed them. They crowded up to see the lambs.

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Sheba and Sentry were having fits to see the babies. Both examined the babies , then laid close to the white ewe lamb. It’s like they knew something is wrong with her. Even Carson wanted to be close to the lambs.

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The black and white ewe lamb snuggled in deep hay in the new Pallet Palace.

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The white ewe lamb is in a box, in the bathroom. I don’t want to leave her out in the cold, she is weak. I’ve just got to get her strength up and feed her. I’m confident that with some TLC and therapy on her legs, she will be fine. She will go back outside in the day with her mom, in at night. Saturday she will go to her new family.
you amaze me, what a battle you have been through with her - so precious...

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Foot trims coming up here but, no chair! Not that it sounds easier :lol: mine get tied to a fence. Some also get a belly band -- also tied to fence!! Then argue about holding foot up..:thbe fast!! Keep fingers away! Doing horses helped some with learning how to hold, not enough.

I took the "easy" jobs today -- worming and some CDT shots. :old🙄:idunno

Think a class to read them the rules would help???


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
We tell the cows all the time that this is not a democracy but a dictatorship....we are the supreme dictators..... they either fall in with the program and lose the attitude.....OR .... there is a one way ticket out to their next job as a a BIG MAC representative....
I don't do that anymore.. Eva seems to take my rants personally and feels that they are an invitation to escalate the issue o_O


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I set a round bale in Cooper’s add on to the front yard. I need to get a cow panel over it, T-post it and cover with a tarp. That and laundry is my goal for today.

Only have 5 ewes in the big lot now, they stay home today while Ringo and his 3 ladies roam the pasture.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas

Please note that no pallets were actually cooked or consumed for this contest.

In the Pallet Division, a contestant known only as BAYMULE requested anonymity and did not provide a real name or forwarding address. Here at the IRISOR we pride ourselves on accepting all who apply. We protect the guilty as well as the innocent. Except jaywalkers. Jaywalkers are BAD, leading to hit and run, causing idiots to spend time in prison for something that wasn’t their fault.

BAYMULE’S entry was carefully scrutinized for originality, construction, duplication, cost of materials, architecture, splinters, and ambiance. We scoured the internet and last night’s Mac n’ Cheese pot and found NOTHING to compare it to.

BAYMULE’S entry won the Pallet Division Contest! BAYMULE got bonus points for keeping sheep in the front yard. It’s a short walk to shoot something for supper.

However those same sheep have been plotting on a sneak attack under the Doublewide, where they could wreak havoc on plumbing and wiring, causing great damage and expensive repairs. They were found under the porch, looking innocent and discussing their plan of destruction. The dog listened intently to their diabolical plans and ratted them out.

BAYMULE lost no time in loading the dog in the back of the truck and driving to the local hardware store for free pallets. Once back home, BAYMULE constructed an impermeable barrier around the porch, using a beautiful blue hay string to tie things together, 3” deck screws, wire 1 Red River panel a half of a hog panel and 2 T-posts for good luck.

There is a thoughtful low cut in the row of splintery pallets. This took no planning, absolutely no measurements, no skill and no advice from the stray cat that leaves muddy paw prints on the hood of the truck.

This is so the dog, who shares the front yard with the sheep, can jump on the porch to escape them. The sheep are angry because he foiled their evil plans and they try to run him down. BAYMULE thinks he acts as their guardian, when in reality he is barking madly at coyotes, in sign language, yelling COME GET THE SHEEP I HATE THEM! So far, no coyotes have taken him up on that offer.


Proudly presents the winner of the CRAPTASTIC PALLET COOKOFF!

BAYMULE has been awarded 43 pierce of used rusty on one side, corrugated roofing tin.



If anyone knows the whereabouts of BAYMULE or where BAYMULE might reside, please remind BAYMULE that we are still holding those prized 43 pieces of used rusty roofing tin and would appreciate immediate pick up. It’s been several months since the conclusion of the CRAPTASTIC PALLET COOKOFF and the IRISOR is beginning to suspect BAYMULE May, in fact be a Jaywalker! This is being diligently investigated and if in fact is found to be true, BAYMULE will be disqualified and the prize of 43 pieces of used rusty on one side corrugated roofing tin shall be rescinded.

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