Herd Master
That smile!!! It warms my insidesGoing out to feed Spot the bottle lamb Saturday morning, Sugar had twin lambs! After Lauren fed Spot she got to hold a newborn, just hours old. She couldn’t stop talking about the lambs.
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@Ridgetop and her husband came in Friday night also. We cooked lots of good food, visited a lot and checked on lambs. Saturday evening right before dark, Aerial had twin lambs! Aerial is the only registered daughter I got out of old Ringo, she was born after he died. So her lambs are special to me. She had a white ewe with freckles on her nose and a flashy ram, red with white back legs and a white spot on his head.
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They are so darn cute! View attachment 113444
Tex Kats has a conference in May and members can take sheep to sell. @Ridgetop suggested that I take that flashy ram lamb to sell. She sure has good ideas!