Herd Master
5 seats. I suppose car seats would depend on how huge they areHow many does a Prius seat? @Bruce is there room for car seats?
45 on a tank would be winter mileage in a regular Prius with the cold and snow tires up here . I regularly got 55 full tank in the summer in my prior Prii (2004 & 2009) and hit 60 MPG a couple of times with 95% backroads; DW and DD2 get similar in their 2006's. The newest generation gets better MPG than the second gens (2004-2009) and the 3rd gen (2010-2017). And of course the Prime beats them all by a lot. At one point in my journal I posted my 70 miles at nearly 80 MPG without a precharge. But that was all 50 MPH roads. Won't see that doing 75 on the interstate. Of course it also depends on how you drive (same as any vehicle, just more obvious in a car that gets great MPG). If one is the type that powers to each red light then hits the brakes so they can sit and wait for a green, top MPG will not be attained. And they get to replace the brakes much more often.
But no spare tire in the Prime, the big battery is there. No spare in the all electric Leaf either which I don't understand. It's batteries are in the floor, there is room for a mini spare in the back. They don't even give you a jack, the Prime has one. Both come with a "flat repair kit". Basically a pump to put sealant in the tire if you get a nail, no good for catastrophic failure.
Also, are Prii allowed in your part of Texas Bay? They are far from being a truck
Google says the 2022 Hyundai Ioniq hybrid should get nearly 60 MPG.