Blessedfarmgirl's Journal


True BYH Addict
Feb 22, 2023
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East Texas
Some big changes potentially coming to the homestead soon! We are looking at starting a small dairy with herd shares, and that means more goats. (Are we surprised?šŸ˜‚) I love my Nigerians and their milk, so I'm sticking mainly with them, but adding a mini nubian or two for more production. I have a deposit on a mini Nubian doe whose dam produces a gallon a day and has the longevity for long extended lactation. We will be bringing her home in October (right at the beginning of sheep breeding season. I'm going to be BUSY)
I am also replacing my buck for a higher quality one by taking advantage of a goat farm near me selling out. I may get a doe or doeling from them as well. Then I'm potentially picking up two more does that I have my eye on in November or December already bred. Now these are tentative plans, but if all goes well, that's what will be happening. Then from December to March I will be saving up to build a better barn and get a milk machine.
If all goes well and the Lord blesses it, I'll have a fully functional dairy and barn with at least 10 gallons a week output for others!
So, more immediately this all means that I'm selling all my goats except my good doe and little wether! It will be weird to not have to milk after 10 months of milking 2x a day every day. šŸ˜‚ It will be a nice break before I have to milk twice as many goats that often. I'm going on a trip next month, so that will also mean that my dad and sister who are watching the farm won't have to worry about milking at all.
All of this while figuring out how to record and register sheep and dealing with my Katahdin program.....šŸ˜…


True BYH Addict
Feb 22, 2023
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East Texas
Pictures!! I think her name is going to be Willow. She is not perfect, but she is really good for the price I'm getting her for. @Youngfarmer2019 I'm finally getting a Nubian, even if it's a cross. Thought you'd be happy to know. šŸ˜



And here is her dam's 3 freshening udder.


I'm used to the mini nigie teats, this girl will be a dream to milk comparatively.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
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S coastal VA
A dairy is a huge commitment, I wish you luck with the venture. Herd shares -- yep, we need those where I am, for raw milk. I have often considered selling in that manner but the availability & dependability of share holders has told me it's not for me. Scheduling, containers, storage, etc....that has to be worked out. Anyway, I have the goats! The machines. šŸ„°šŸ˜. I do sometimes sell milk....but, when I don't there's a lot of cheese making, piggies to feed, chickens get some, etc.

In your excitement, plan for any alternatives you might need. Extra cooling and storage units. Easily I could have 10 gal a day!!! šŸ˜³ 2nd day frig is full :lol: jars are full. And I do not mean this in a negative way -- just the reality of planning ahead!! It isn't the goats, machines, 2x a day milking but, the handling & storage concerns that happens before you even blink.

I like Willow. Excited to follow you along. šŸ‘


True BYH Addict
Feb 22, 2023
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East Texas
Thanks for the reminders! Yep, those are all things I've got in mind. I did forget about the fridge part for awhile, but that is now on the list! I will probably have more like 2-3 gallons per day to start, but I will still need a milk fridge. On top of the herd share, I may also do some clandestine milk selling. There are folks out here that do it like that without the safety of the herd share paperwork. I will be careful, but I may still do it. It's really a pity that raw milk is regulated almost like drugs. Now that I'm a farmer dealing with it firsthand, I'm more and more frustrated with the system. šŸ™„ :he

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Yes...the system. Consider -- in my state I can sell for crafts or animals. So, no contract & all sales are "not for human consumption" labeled and sold. I'd have an unknown, have a statement for them to sign, acknowledging this. Once gone you have complied with sale and notification. Check your state laws soon. Be safe. Check your insurance to see if there is an exclusion for sales. šŸ¤”

Containers are expensive. Look into that ahead of time. Charge deposits, etc. it's a real expense! Have instructions for buyers to transport safely -- so they don't let that cold milk get hot in a car & think you sold bad milk. Make it a part of your contract, to confirm telling. Yeah, nitty gritty concerns before a sale :highfive: keeps you safe. You have time to check it out & prepare.


True BYH Addict
Feb 22, 2023
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East Texas
Thanks for all the tips! I am still debating whether to use reusable containers or glass ones.

I'm not saying I won't be careful, I'm just saying I won't always have paperwork. I have sold to friends and church family and a few people needing some pet milk. But thanks for the warnings, I'll make sure I keep those things in mind. We have friends who sell it as "not for human consumption", but everyone knows people are drinking it. So herd share is safest, but there will be the odd sale here and there outside of that. And I'm still learning and researching too.
It's quite the mound of stuff to keep up with! But with a year's experience under my belt I feel like I can attempt this.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
If I lived closer Iā€™d be your first customer!

Iā€™ve seen ads on Craigslist for pet milk, it has blue food coloring in it, I suppose to further protect the seller. I used to buy Jersey milk from a couple, they used half gallon mason jars. I paid a deposit up front, then just returned empties after that.

I would use the half gallon mason jars, be sure to figure cost of rings and lids and keep a good supply of them. I use them for food storage, they are so handy. During Covid jars, rings and lids disappeared. Every time I went to Walmart or any of the dollar stores, I went straight to the aisle where canning supplies were. Usually nothing, but if I found some, I bought them. I had a stockpile already or else I wouldnā€™t have been able to can proceeds from the garden that year.

Make cheese, I used to buy a soft cheese from a fellow BYHā€™er, but she sold out due to health reasons.

Another idea, if you have people coming to the farm to buy milk, make homemade bread. That cinnamon bread thatā€™s frightfully expensive and so deliciousā€¦ā€¦.artisan breads, speciality breads, better than store bought. And homemade jam and jellies. Mayhaw is a favorite and difficult to find. There are 2 ladies in Lufkin that planted a Mayhaw orchard and they sell out every year.

Explore farmers markets, you want to sell something that everyone else doesnā€™t have. Are there wild plums growing anywhere around you? In Lindale, they grew in fence rows and I picked a lot in this old manā€™s fences. I always gave him jars of the wild plum jam, he was delighted. They are bright red, small, the size of a cherry, so good!

Milk, cheese, bread, jam, Iā€™m making lots of busy plans for youā€¦. LOL